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Alan Cooper

The inmates are running the asylum

As technology becomes increasingly integrated into every manufactured product, the complexity of using these "enhanced" items often surpasses that of their simpler counterparts. This complexity arises because engineers, not designers, are at the helm of user interface development, leading to a disconnect between the product and the non-tech-savvy consumer. This scenario is akin to letting the "inmates run the asylum." To truly improve user experience, the design of product interfaces must align with the intuitive processes of the average person, not the other way around. This shift in design responsibility from engineers to specialized designers is crucial for technology to fulfill its promise of improving life quality.

The inmates are running the asylum
The inmates are running the asylum

book.chapter Understanding tech illiteracy

In an era where technology is increasingly pervasive, the expectation for consumers to adapt to computer systems by altering their natural behaviors is misplaced. Instead, the onus should be on designers of high-tech products to invest more time and effort into creating interfaces that bridge the gap between humans and computers in a way that is both user-friendly and efficient. The crux of the issue is that the current generation of computerized tools is excessively challenging for people to use effectively. The difficulty in using computer-based products often stems from a flawed design process. High-tech companies are in a constant race to outdo their competitors by adding new features and designs, which unfortunately leads to products that are more complex and laden with seldom-used features. This issue is becoming more critical as computers become more integrated with various other products, leading to cars that operate like computers and banks that function with the inflexibility of computer systems, where transactions are denied if specific, sometimes illogical, rules are not followed. The root cause of why so many high-tech products are difficult to use is quite straightforward. Programmers, who are more attuned to the needs of computers than to those of users, often drive the interface design. Their primary objective is to simplify the development process, not the user experience, creating a conflict of interest. Programmers typically reference their equally tech-savvy peers, remaining oblivious to the fact that the majority of the population does not share their technical mindset. Furthermore, interface design is often left in the hands of programmers, and by the time it becomes apparent that their preferences do not align with those of consumers, it is too late for changes. As a result, the focus shifts to making the next software upgrade user-friendly. However, by the time the next upgrade is due, a significant number of users have already adapted to the software's arbitrary constraints. Developers are then faced with a dilemma: create an interface that is more intuitive and risk alienating those accustomed to the old system, or continue with a design that prioritizes familiarity over utility. This bias towards the existing user base often results in the perpetuation of poor design in future iterations. Software design frequently happens by chance, crafted by individuals who do not plan to use it themselves, preferring more sophisticated tools. To address this issue, new concepts are introduced. "Cognitive friction" refers to the mental resistance experienced when dealing with a complex set of rules that change with the situation, such as a keyboard where keys have different functions depending on the context. "Interaction design" is the practice of creating software that aligns with natural human thought processes rather than forcing users to change their behavior. The challenge with designing effective software interfaces is that many consumers tolerate poor design to access the benefits, and the blame is often shifted onto the user for lack of experience. Industries categorize users by their proficiency, but the real challenge for product developers is to create such intuitive products that these distinctions become obsolete. Alan Cooper reflects on this transition from the industrial to the information age, noting that while engineers previously solved problems with tangible materials like steel and concrete, the shift to software has introduced a new dimension of user frustration and dissatisfaction. He emphasizes the need to conceptualize, then focus on behavior, and finally interface to deliver both power and pleasure to users. Cooper also remarks on the shift in complexity from mechanical devices to technology, which now requires amateurs to manage systems far more complex than those encountered by previous generations.

