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Elayne Snyder

Persuasive business speaking

Effective communicators in the business world often achieve higher earnings and enjoy the prestige and personal satisfaction that comes from delivering compelling speeches or presentations. To be successful, speakers should come well-prepared, keep their messages concise and engaging, and conclude promptly. Preparation involves understanding the audience's specific interests to tailor the presentation effectively. This groundwork leads to crafting a clear speech statement outlining the presentation's goal. A high-quality presentation typically starts with an introduction, taking up about 10% of the total time, to outline what will be discussed. This is followed by the main body, which delves into three key points and occupies roughly 80% of the time, and concludes with a summary of the key takeaways, accounting for the final 10% of the presentation.

Persuasive business speaking
Persuasive business speaking

book.chapter Choosing an engaging topic

The cornerstone of any successful presentation lies in the speaker's ability to intimately understand their audience. This understanding shapes not only the content of what is communicated but also the manner in which it is delivered. A speaker who adeptly assesses the needs and expectations of their listeners can tailor their message in a way that resonates deeply, making the subject matter not only accessible but vividly engaging to those in attendance. Embarking on the journey of preparing for a presentation, the initial and most crucial step is to gain a comprehensive understanding of your audience. The content and delivery of your message will undergo significant alterations based on the demographic, interests, and expectations of your listeners. A speaker who is adept at this can transform information to suit the audience, ensuring the message is not just heard but felt and understood. To conduct a thorough analysis of your audience, it is advisable to seek answers to a series of pertinent questions from the individual extending the invitation to speak. These inquiries range from the expected number of attendees, the purpose of the gathering, commonalities among the audience, gender distribution, educational and occupational backgrounds, prevalent social or demographic factors, audience expectations (be it motivation, inspiration, technical information, or simply a feel-good experience), topics to avoid, appropriateness and availability of visual aids, allocated time, financial arrangements, and logistical details of the presentation. This information lays the groundwork for a tailored and impactful presentation. With a clear understanding of the audience's framework, it's time to shift focus to the content of your presentation. This involves selecting a subject that not only aligns with your expertise but also meets the audience's needs and expectations. The process typically starts with a broad topic, which is then refined to a specific subject that addresses the core interests and relevance to the audience. This focused approach significantly enhances the effectiveness of your presentation. The rationale behind choosing a particular subject can be attributed to one of six fundamental reasons: to inform, persuade, motivate, instruct, entertain, or inspire. Each of these objectives requires a different approach and content strategy to achieve the desired outcome. Following this, developing a concise speech statement that encapsulates the purpose of your presentation is crucial. This statement should reflect the chosen subject and the reason behind it, serving as a guiding light for the entire presentation. Examples of speech statements include: elucidating on effective time management techniques, persuading management to invest in new technology, assuring shareholders of the company's robust management and growth, encouraging blood donation, teaching sales representatives strategies to increase business from existing clients, convincing potential clients of the benefits of a product, and rallying support for a community project. The speech statement is a succinct declaration of your presentation's intent, around which all content is centered. In preparation for a presentation, it is essential to remain acutely aware of your audience's goals and expectations. This awareness not only reduces nervousness but also fosters a connection with the audience. Approaching your presentation from the perspective of your audience's challenges, aspirations, and interests allows for a more empathetic and engaging delivery. Incorporating the word "you" frequently throughout your presentation personalizes the experience, making the content more relatable and stimulating for the audience. Ultimately, the success of a presentation hinges on the speaker's ability to adapt their message to the audience's needs, making the subject matter not only understandable but also compelling. This requires a deep understanding of the audience, a focused subject matter, and a clear purpose, all of which are encapsulated in a well-crafted speech statement. By adhering to these principles, a speaker can ensure their presentation not only captures the attention of their audience but also leaves a lasting impact.

