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Yvonne van Dongen


Ron Brierley started his own investment company BIL in 1961. Through shrewd investments and creative accounting, BIL grew to become a major player in New Zealand and Australia. Brierley focused on buying undervalued assets and restructuring companies to maximize profits. He clashed frequently with authorities over his aggressive and unorthodox business tactics. By the late 1980s, BIL was one of the largest companies in New Zealand. However, the 1987 stock market crash led Brierley to step back. He was removed as BIL's chairman in 1990 but remained an iconic figure for growing a small startup into a corporate giant. Brierley's investment philosophy and entrepreneurial spirit continued to influence BIL long after his departure.


book.chapter Little old coin collector

Ron Brierley, born in 1937, showed a business acumen from a young age, cleverly expanding his coin collection by polishing coins for adults. His interests lay in cricket, stamps, and money, with a particular knack for bookkeeping, evidenced by winning a school prize. Despite a lackluster academic record, Ron's entrepreneurial spirit shone when he started a stamp business during school breaks, which was shut down but later evolved into the Kiwi Stamp Company. He also engaged deeply in Wellington's cricket scene, playing and keeping meticulous records, reflecting his methodical approach to both business and sports.

