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William C. Taylor

Simply brilliant

The common belief is that only tech startups in the "new economy" can be part of a great success story by being disruptive. However, this isn't true. Success is accessible to all, even in the most ordinary fields, through radical creativity. To stand out today, you must innovate your product or service to be exceptional. As William Taylor says, there are no average businesses, only average ways of doing business. Thomas Friedman adds that being average is no longer enough; one must discover their unique value to excel.

Simply brilliant
Simply brilliant

book.chapter Principle 1: cease striving for best, aim for unique

In today's competitive landscape, the most successful organizations are those that not only offer compelling deals but also champion innovative ideas and undertake endeavors that their counterparts might not even consider. During the mid-1980s, the concept of "value propositions" began to gain traction among business consultants at McKinsey & Co. This concept emphasized the importance of businesses articulating a clear and succinct statement that outlines the benefits, both tangible and intangible, that they offer to customers, alongside the price they charge. Companies diligently worked on crafting their value propositions and ensuring these propositions resonated throughout their operations. However, in the current business environment, merely having an appealing value proposition is insufficient due to the saturation of competitors who are doing the same. Today, companies that distinguish themselves are those that engage in activities others find unfeasible or are unwilling to undertake, thereby delighting their customers. These organizations possess what is known as "lighthouse identities," characterized by a unique perspective that they infuse into all their products, services, and experiences. Take, for example, SOL Cleaning Services, a company based in Helsinki, Finland, and founded in the early 1990s by Liisa Joronen. SOL Cleaning Services has revolutionized the cleaning industry by changing the way cleaners work, encouraging them to utilize both their intellect and physical abilities to break the monotony of routine tasks. Unlike most cleaning companies that schedule their work during nighttime hours, SOL insists that its cleaners operate during the day, in the midst of bustling offices, hospitals, and laboratories. The cleaners are easily recognizable in their vibrant yellow-and-red jumpsuits and are empowered to propose new business services based on their observations, even negotiating deals on the spot. This innovative approach has transformed cleaners into the company's frontline salespeople, leveraging their on-the-ground insights. As a result of this unique strategy, SOL has expanded its services beyond cleaning to include providing nursing assistants in hospitals, stocking shelves and updating prices in grocery stores, and offering security services. This expansion has not only diversified SOL's service offerings but also fostered a sense of pride and engagement among its employees. From its humble beginnings with 2,000 employees generating $35 million in revenue in the early 2000s, SOL has grown to boast 11,300 employees and $350 million in revenue by 2015, with 3,500 employees operating outside Finland. The company now operates a comprehensive security service and temporary-staffing agency, in addition to its core cleaning services. Developing a distinctive lighthouse identity may seem daunting, but upon closer examination, one can identify numerous opportunities that competitors are either unable or unwilling to pursue. These opportunities may stem from a lack of resources, imagination, or awareness of the necessary background activities. However, it is unlikely that competitors can replicate your passion and creativity, ensuring that your lighthouse identity remains unique. Liisa Joronen, the founder of SOL Cleaning Services, encapsulates this sentiment by highlighting the importance of self-satisfaction in service industries, as it directly influences customer happiness. The aspiration to achieve something extraordinary necessitates that an organization's beliefs are as significant as its product offerings. John Doerr, a legendary tech investor from Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers, distinguishes between "missionaries" and "mercenaries" in the entrepreneurial world. Mercenaries are characterized by their opportunistic nature, seeking quick financial gains by exploiting market openings. In contrast, missionaries adopt a strategic approach, focusing on the broader vision and dedicating themselves to realizing it over the long term. They prioritize customer satisfaction, value statements, and the integration of the best ideas, regardless of their origin. Companies that manage to surpass their competition by offering unparalleled services are typically led by missionaries, who approach their ventures with a sense of mission. Pal's Sudden Service, a hamburger restaurant chain based in Kingsport, Tennessee, exemplifies this missionary approach. Pal's distinguishes itself not only through its delicious food but also through its exceptional service delivery. Customers experience rapid service, with orders taken and fulfilled in a fraction of the time compared to other fast-food restaurants. This efficiency is coupled with remarkable order accuracy, setting Pal's apart from its competitors. The secret behind Pal's success lies in its meticulous attention to the recruitment and training of employees, the certification of specific skills, and the continuous re-certification process to ensure high standards are maintained. Pal's has cultivated a culture of learning and excellence, inspiring enthusiasm and passion among its employees and attracting individuals who share the company's commitment to extraordinary service. In conclusion, achieving distinction in today's business world requires more than just offering quality products or services. It demands the cultivation of a unique identity and a commitment to excellence that resonates with customers and employees alike. By embracing innovative approaches and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, companies can set themselves apart and achieve remarkable success.

