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The age of speed

Speed need not be our enemy. By embracing it strategically, we can make it our ally for a more pleasant, productive life. We must learn to harness speed without exploding by becoming agile, streamlined, and focused like a jet plane. Agility means quickly sensing opportunities and responding before competitors. Aerodynamics means structuring your life and work to minimize friction and wasted effort. Alignment means pursuing one primary destination at a time instead of scattering your energies. Used correctly, speed is an immense advantage, empowering remarkable achievement. By taking control of our time, tasks and talents, we can thrive amidst accelerating demands. Speed then ceases to be an overwhelming rush, but rather a tailwind propelling us toward our goals.

The age of speed
The age of speed

book.chapter The acceleration phenomenon

In today's society, the pursuit of speed is not just a preference but a necessity. People are willing to make significant sacrifices for the sake of efficiency, embracing the need for speed to enrich both their personal and professional lives. This drive for quickness allows us to minimize time spent on mundane tasks, thereby freeing up more time for meaningful activities. The modern era is marked by a relentless quest for speed, driven by two main factors: an unprecedented thirst for quickness, even at the cost of basic rights, and the advent of new technologies that make greater speed possible. For instance, over 45,000 individuals have enrolled in a biometric identification program at a major airport, trading personal privacy for the convenience of faster security checks. Similarly, innovations such as email, ATMs, and real-time news have embedded speed into every aspect of life, raising expectations significantly. This shift has led to a societal mindset where waiting is increasingly seen as unacceptable, and companies that can operate faster gain a competitive edge. The desire for speed is further fueled by rising disposable incomes, allowing people to afford more goods and services while their free time remains limited. Modern technology also expands options, enabling people to pursue opportunities that were once unimaginable. For example, an artist can now live in Paris, video conference with family back home, run an online business, and stay updated with local news online. However, the challenge lies in reducing time spent on trivial matters to make room for significant pursuits. While some may not equate more with better or happier, the majority who feel the effects of the Age of Speed opt for more opportunities, connections, and experiences. Research shows that only 26 percent of those feeling time-starved would prefer fewer responsibilities over more time for their current activities. Ultimately, the power of speed allows us to extract as much from life as possible, highlighting the importance of adapting to and utilizing speed in our quest for a fulfilling life.

