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Van Tharp & D. Barton & Steve Sjuggerud

Safe strategies for financial freedom

Financial freedom is achievable without taking excessive risks, by having your money generate income for you. It means earning enough passive income to cover your monthly expenses, allowing you to choose whether to work. This state is not about vast wealth but about making a shift in mindset to let money serve you. By understanding your "financial freedom number"—the income needed to cover expenses—you can work towards reducing it and achieving financial freedom, potentially in as little as six months to seven years. The process involves simple changes in thinking and actionable steps towards generating positive cash flow from assets.

Safe strategies for financial freedom
Safe strategies for financial freedom

book.chapter Crafting your financial independence strategy

Embarking on the journey toward financial independence requires a clear understanding of what it means for your unique lifestyle and financial obligations. To effectively map out your starting point, follow these steps: 1. Determine your "financial freedom figure," which is the monthly income needed to cover your expenses and afford a comfortable living. Contrary to popular belief, achieving financial liberation doesn't require a vast fortune. To calculate your financial freedom figure, meticulously list and sum up all your monthly expenses, including taxes, charitable contributions, housing costs, living expenses, debt payments, medical bills, etc. Then, assess the passive income you generate each month from investments, excluding earnings from active employment. This could come from business ventures, rental properties, or other sources. Your financial freedom figure is calculated by subtracting your total monthly expenses from your passive income. A zero or positive result means financial independence, while a negative figure indicates the need to reorganize your finances. 2. Cultivate good savings habits. Consistently set aside a portion of your income each month to lay the groundwork for your financial journey. Follow the government's approach by allocating at least 10 percent of your monthly income to a separate investment account before it reaches your hands. This automatic process not only makes savings invisible to your daily budget but also leverages the power of compounding interest to grow your investments. 3. Resist the temptation of impulse purchases. Commit to only buying what you can afford with cash on hand. Evaluate every potential purchase based on its impact on your financial freedom figure, aiming to reduce it rather than increase it. Regular charitable giving can also enrich your life beyond the financial aspect. 4. Accelerate the reduction of your financial freedom figure by attacking the problem from both ends: eliminating debt and boosting passive income. Cut expenses by about 20 percent through measures like discarding credit cards, delaying purchases, negotiating discounts, eliminating non-essential expenses, and minimizing tax liabilities legally. Use the "payoff priority technique" to systematically eradicate your debts and track your progress. 5. Focus on increasing passive income by assessing your income-producing assets and considering liquidation and reinvestment into more lucrative ventures. This proactive approach to asset management requires a shift in mindset: prioritize your financial freedom figure over net worth, minimize taxes legally, take charge of your financial direction, and adopt a systematic approach to wealth generation. In conclusion, redefine assets as entities that generate regular positive cash flow and liabilities as those that cost you money. By shifting your perspective to passive income and infinite wealth, you'll actively work towards lowering your financial freedom number and stepping closer to financial independence.

