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Tony Robbins

Money master the game

To achieve financial freedom, you must build your own "Money Machine" - a portfolio of investments that generates enough passive income to fund your ideal lifestyle. This is accomplished by following seven simple, proven steps distilled from strategies used by the world's most financially successful people. With the right mindset, knowledge, and discipline to adhere to these methods, you can master the game of money. You will no longer be at the mercy of financial forces beyond your control, but rather position yourself to benefit from them. By implementing the timeless wisdom and principles outlined in these seven steps, you and your family can attain lasting prosperity and financial independence. The path to wealth has been mapped out for you. Now is the time to step up, take control of your financial destiny, and start playing the game to win. You have the power to become the chess player, not just another chess piece moved around by external circumstances. Begin your journey today.

Money master the game
Money master the game

book.chapter Choose to invest, not spend

Achieving financial freedom is less about earning more than you spend and more about smart saving and investing. The allure of endless desirable purchases can deplete any income, leading even top earners to bankruptcy due to a lack of savings. The key to financial security is to become an investor, not just a consumer, and to harness the power of compound interest. Tony Robbins emphasizes the transformative potential of money, urging individuals to master it rather than be controlled by it. By creating income-generating assets, you establish a "money machine" that works for you, providing a lifetime income stream and freedom. The decision to act, as Amelia Earhart pointed out, is the most challenging step, followed by the tenacity to see it through. Ogden Nash's witty observation highlights the paradox of work and the necessity to earn enough to gain the freedom not to work. Tony Robbins suggests reframing savings as a "Freedom Fund," advocating for a fixed percentage of income to be saved and invested each pay period. The exact percentage—be it 10%, 15%, or 20%—is a personal choice. Despite the common feeling that all income is accounted for, saving is essential for building your financial future. Automatic saving is an effective strategy, as it adjusts your spending habits to a reduced visible income. The story of Theodore Johnson, who saved 20% of his modest salary and became a multimillionaire through compound growth, exemplifies that financial success is achievable at any income level. In conclusion, commit to a consistent saving percentage of your income, automate the process, and adjust your expenses accordingly. Invest wisely and let compound interest do its magic. With dedication and time, you can construct a money machine that ensures lasting financial independence.

