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Tom Golisano

Built not born

Starting a business can feel like a high-wire act, but it's often less risky than traditional career paths. As an entrepreneur, you're in control and can quickly adapt to market changes. To succeed, there are seven principles to follow. These principles bridge the gap between academic business teachings and real-world experience. You can either spend years earning a business degree or dive into entrepreneurship now. The goal is to help you succeed and entertain you in the process. - Tom Golisano

Built not born
Built not born

book.chapter Principle #1 – embracing entrepreneurship

Running your own business comes with its own set of risks, but these risks are manageable and known, unlike the unpredictability of employment. The notion of job security, often associated with climbing the corporate ladder in a large company, is increasingly becoming a myth. For instance, Eastman Kodak, which had about 60,000 employees in 1982, had fewer than 10,000 employees by 2020. This illustrates the volatility of employment and the potential risk of job loss. Furthermore, the rapid advances in technology and the constant market disruptions make it difficult for any company to guarantee job security. As Tom Golisano puts it, "Cradle-to-grave jobs have gone the way of pay phones and Blockbuster Video stores." He argues that there's a lot of insecurity in working for others and that building a successful business can provide income and security in retirement, and even outlive you. So, what makes a good entrepreneur? They are naturally curious, always questioning assumptions and looking for ways to improve. They have hands-on experience in their industry, a keen sense of reality, and a commitment to continuous learning. They understand that the basics of running a good business haven't changed - it's about making a profit. A good business plan is essential, but it doesn't need to be overly complex. It should focus

