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Todd Bermont

10 insider secrets to job hunting success

First, prepare mentally with a positive attitude and recognize your skills. Do thorough research on the role and company to determine fit. Fine-tune your personal presentation - dress appropriately and practice speaking confidently about your accomplishments. Establish rapport early on and appeal to the employer's needs, using persuasive language focused on mutual goals. Address concerns proactively and close by reiterating interest, qualifications and cultural fit. Stay confident throughout - if you believe in your abilities, the interviewer will too. Follow up promptly to restate your qualifications and demonstrate commitment. With preparation and positivity, you can stand out and get the job you want.

10 insider secrets to job hunting success
10 insider secrets to job hunting success

book.chapter Maintain positivity

First, recognize the unique combination of skills, knowledge, and experience you offer that makes you stand out from other applicants. Keeping top of mind the distinctive value you provide can boost confidence when engaging with employers. Additionally, seek the bright side and purpose when faced with setbacks like a layoff. Use it as a springboard to better opportunities rather than dwelling on lost prospects. Stay focused on the positive next step forward toward more fulfilling work. Further, act confident even if you don't completely feel it yet. Give yourself an encouraging pep talk and verbally affirm that you can and will land the right job even if it takes time. Going through these motions can genuinely improve your outlook, which others will detect. Also, remember job hunting involves frequent rejection, like sales and sports. The best still face plenty of nos and defeats. Use each one as a lesson to incrementally improve your odds without taking rejection personally. Lastly, spend time with positive people who can encourage you when the search feels fruitless. Surrounding yourself with supportive connections reinforces the habits and behaviors necessary to ultimately succeed.

