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Tilman Fertitta

Shut up and listen

Never stop being concerned about your business. Even when things appear to be running smoothly, there's always a hidden threat that could target your success. This danger often emerges from your blind spots, so it's crucial to remain alert. There are five key blind spots that, if not continuously addressed, could be detrimental to your business. However, focusing on these areas not only helps in mitigating risks but also opens up opportunities for breakthroughs. Above all, it's essential to listen actively. I often tell people that while I may not fear anything, I do worry about everything. This is a vital point I emphasize to business leaders, students, my employees, and entrepreneurs on my show Billion Dollar Buyer. I have to remind entrepreneurs that despite their compelling pitches, there's usually a shortfall harming their business. Hence, as my book suggests, the next step is straightforward: Shut up and listen. I'm confident that my strategies and ideas can pave the way for success in any business venture.

Shut up and listen
Shut up and listen

book.chapter Welcoming guests graciously

Hospitality is a cornerstone of success in any business, not just those traditionally associated with the hospitality industry like hotels and restaurants. It's about creating a welcoming atmosphere and treating customers as if they are honored guests and good friends. This approach to customer service can set a business apart and is a key differentiator in a competitive market. Tilman Fertitta, a successful businessman, emphasizes the importance of handling customers with care and flexibility. He believes that every interaction with a customer should make them feel like they are the only customer in the world. This level of personalized service requires a mindset where employees are encouraged to be "plappy," or to "play happy," regardless of the situation. A positive and upbeat demeanor contributes significantly to the customer experience and can turn an ordinary interaction into a memorable one. Following through on promises is another critical aspect of hospitality. If a business commits to doing something for a customer, it should do everything possible to deliver on that promise. Building in extra time for unexpected challenges can help ensure that commitments are met, which in turn builds trust and customer satisfaction. Being flexible and accommodating can also enhance the customer experience. For instance, a restaurant that serves breakfast items outside of regular breakfast hours to satisfy a late-arriving guest is demonstrating hospitality. This flexibility makes customers feel special and appreciated, and they are often willing to pay a premium for such personalized service. Moreover, hospitality can have a direct impact on a business's bottom line. Customers are willing to pay more for exceptional service and experiences that go beyond the norm. Businesses should be aware of their costs and price their services accordingly to ensure profitability while providing excellent hospitality. Fertitta also advises businesses to take hospitality personally, viewing every detail as a reflection of themselves and their commitment to customer satisfaction. He suggests that businesses should always find a way to say "Yes" to customers, even when faced with unreasonable requests. Instead of outright refusal, offering an alternative solution maintains a positive relationship and demonstrates a willingness to accommodate the customer's needs. To cater to a broader audience, businesses should price their products or services within reach of as many customers as possible and offer a range of options to suit different preferences and budgets. Customization and personalization can also attract attention and make customers feel valued. In summary, hospitality is about more than just being courteous; it's about making customers feel valued and special. It involves being attentive to their needs, flexible in service delivery, and committed to exceeding their expectations. By integrating these principles into every aspect of a business, from customer interactions to product offerings, businesses can achieve greater success and stand out in the marketplace. Hospitality is not just a practice but a mindset that can transform the customer experience and drive business growth.

