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Thomas Baumgartner & Homayoun Hatami & Jon Vander Ark

Sales growth

In today's competitive market, excelling in sales is crucial for companies. An analysis of 1,000 leading US and European firms revealed that over half could generate more value by prioritizing sales growth over productivity or efficiency improvements. Once a company reaches a 15 percent return on invested capital, increasing revenue growth contributes more to shareholder value than further improving capital returns. Research on over 100 large global companies, with average revenues of $31 billion and market capitalizations of $47 billion, identified five key strategies for driving sustained sales growth. These strategies are central to outperforming peers in growth and profitability over a five-year span.

Sales growth
Sales growth

book.chapter Seize growth opportunities first

To achieve sales growth, companies must first possess a strong desire to expand. This ambition drives them to identify future growth opportunities. Successful sales strategies involve surfing upcoming trends, investing in growth before it happens, and transforming insights into actions. For instance, leveraging cloud computing with innovative business models has proven beneficial. Allocating a portion of the annual sales budget towards new opportunities and maintaining a forward-looking approach are key practices of effective sales leaders. Moreover, exploring micro-markets within mature industries can uncover hidden growth potential. This involves segmenting larger markets to find niches with imminent growth, fostering cross-functional collaboration to tap into these opportunities, and simplifying processes for the sales team. Utilizing big data is also crucial for sales management, enabling micro-segmentation, sentiment analysis, and location-based selling. Companies should harvest diverse data sources, personalize selling strategies, and place data at the core of their sales efforts. For example, Amazon’s recommendation engine and Mint.com’s financial advice service demonstrate how data-driven strategies can significantly boost sales. In summary, sales growth requires a proactive stance on market trends, a commitment to invest in future opportunities, and the ability to turn market insights into actionable strategies. By focusing on micro-markets, leveraging big data, and simplifying sales processes, companies can discover and exploit growth opportunities ahead of their competitors.

