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The third wave

The Third Wave of the Internet marks a shift from active interaction with the network to a world where internet connectivity is embedded in every aspect of our lives. Initiated in 2016, this wave is characterized by the Internet of Everything, where every device and process across the economy is connected online, creating a massive shift in value. In this era, the Internet transcends traditional tech companies, becoming an integral part of all we do, signaling a move beyond the Internet of Things to a more expansive Internet of Everything. This integration will redefine technological evolution, as the Internet becomes omnipresent in our daily activities.

The third wave
The third wave

book.chapter Understanding the third internet wave

In the dynamic landscape of human progress, society has undergone significant transformations, each marked by predominant economic activities and technological breakthroughs. This narrative of change was insightfully captured by futurist Alvin Toffler in his influential works, "Future Shock" and its sequel, "The Third Wave." Toffler's analysis meticulously charts the evolution from an agricultural society, through the industrial age, and into the information age. Each phase signifies a monumental shift in the manner in which humans live, work, and interact. In a parallel vein, the Internet, a fundamental pillar of contemporary civilization, has experienced its own evolutionary journey since its commercial introduction in 1985. As we approach what is being heralded as the Internet's Third Wave, it is evident that we are on the threshold of a new era poised to redefine our engagement with technology and unlock opportunities worth multiple trillions of dollars. The First Wave of the Internet, which spanned from 1985 to 1999, was characterized by the pioneering efforts of companies such as Cisco, IBM, Apple, and Sun Microsystems. These trailblazers concentrated on constructing the network infrastructure and devices essential for connecting people to the digital world. This era was about establishing the foundational elements, creating access points to the information superhighway, and initiating an era where access to information began to democratize. Following this foundational period, the Internet transitioned into its Second Wave, lasting from 2000 to 2015. This phase witnessed the rise of the app economy and the mobile revolution, fundamentally altering our interaction with the digital domain. Companies that flourished during this time, including Amazon.com, Facebook, Google, and Snapchat, focused on developing software-as-a-service solutions, social platforms, and e-commerce systems. The Second Wave was about building upon the infrastructure laid down in the First Wave, organizing the digital landscape, and integrating the Internet into daily life. As we venture into the Third Wave of the Internet, starting from 2016 onwards, we are greeted by the dawn of the "Internet of Everything" (IoE). This new era is marked by the integration of more than 50 billion devices into the Internet, transforming every company into an Internet company in some capacity. The Third Wave is about utilizing the Internet to enhance supply chains, products, and services across all industries. It signifies a shift where the Internet becomes embedded in every aspect of our lives, rendering the term "Internet-enabled" as obsolete as "electricity-enabled." This era is not merely about connecting devices but reimagining entire industries, including healthcare, education, food safety, and transportation, through the prism of digital innovation. The Third Wave of the Internet necessitates a novel approach from entrepreneurs and businesses alike. Success in this era will demand forging partnerships across sectors, navigating complex policy landscapes, and overcoming higher barriers to entry. The playbook for Third Wave entrepreneurs will mirror that of the First Wave, where skepticism was widespread, and regulatory frameworks were in their infancy. The insights gained from the early days of the Internet will prove invaluable as we embark on this new journey of digital transformation. The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT), while significant, is merely a precursor to the broader and more encompassing Internet of Everything. The IoE envisions a world where the Internet is seamlessly integrated into every facet of our lives, from learning and healthcare to finance and transportation. This integration promises to create unprecedented value, far surpassing the current Internet economy, and propelling us into a future where digital technology is omnipresent and indistinguishable from the fabric of everyday life. As we stand at the cusp of the Internet's Third Wave, it is clear that we are entering a transformative period that will redefine our relationship with technology. The potential for innovation is limitless, and the economic opportunities are vast. However, realizing this potential will require a collective effort from entrepreneurs, businesses, policymakers, and society at large. By drawing on the lessons of the past and embracing the possibilities of the future, we can navigate the challenges of the Third Wave and unlock the full potential of the Internet of Everything. The journey ahead is not without its obstacles, but the promise of a more connected, efficient, and innovative world is a vision worth pursuing. In essence, the evolution of the Internet from its inception to the present day mirrors the broader trajectory of human development. From the establishment of basic connectivity in the First Wave to the creation of a digital ecosystem in the Second Wave, and now to the dawn of an era where digital technology permeates every aspect of our existence in the Third Wave, the Internet's journey is a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of progress. As we navigate this new era, the lessons of the past serve as a beacon, guiding us towards a future where technology and humanity converge in unprecedented ways. The Third Wave of the Internet is not just a technological revolution; it is a societal transformation that holds the promise of reshaping our world for the better.

