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Stephen M.R. Covey & Greg Link

Smart trust

Trust is essential for efficient commerce, enabling more achievements with less risk. In a world where trust is scarce, "Smart Trust" offers a solution by combining a willingness to trust with thorough analysis to ensure it's justified. This approach allows for the extension of trust in business relationships, fostering a cycle of prosperity, energy, and joy. Smart Trust, advocated by Stephen Covey and Greg Link, is crucial for leaders in any field to initiate, promising significant benefits through the cultivation of trust.

Smart trust
Smart trust

book.chapter Understanding smart trust significance

In the contemporary landscape, the concept of Smart Trust emerges as a beacon of strategic wisdom, advocating for a deliberate and thoughtful decision to place trust in others, thereby acting in accordance with this trust. This approach necessitates the optimization of two pivotal factors: firstly, a pronounced propensity and inclination towards trusting others, and secondly, a rigorous analysis that substantiates the trustworthiness of the other party. As eloquently articulated by Warren Buffett, trust operates much like the air we breathe—its presence often goes unnoticed, yet its absence is keenly felt by all. In today's world, marked by a pervasive low-trust environment, the findings of numerous Gallup surveys consistently reveal a declining trend in the public's trust in their counterparts to act ethically and responsibly. This alarming trend underscores a broader crisis of trust within society at large. Such a crisis is particularly lamentable given the critical role of trust as the new currency in the global economy. Trust serves as the foundational principle that facilitates market operations. When trust diminishes, the cost of conducting business escalates, individuals become disengaged and less inclined towards innovation, and relationships across various domains suffer a decline in dynamism. Trust, therefore, emerges as a potent principle of power, with a direct correlation between the level of trust and the degree of influence one possesses. Despite the prevailing crisis of trust, certain organizations and individuals have managed to thrive by consciously choosing to cultivate a high-trust environment. Notable examples include Zappos and Muhammad Yunus, the visionary founder of Grameen Bank, who have demonstrated the liberating and financially rewarding nature of operating within a trust-centric framework. Similarly, corporations such as Wipro and Lego are actively endeavoring to foster cultures of high trust. This burgeoning renaissance of trust holds the promise of elevating collective prosperity, akin to an incoming tide that lifts all boats. The discourse on trust is evolving, moving beyond a binary perspective to embrace a third, more nuanced alternative. This emerging paradigm advocates for the intelligent extension of trust, a strategy that has proven successful for companies like eBay and Netflix. eBay, for instance, has built its business model on the premise of facilitating open and transparent transactions, thereby allowing community self-regulation to identify and exclude untrustworthy participants. Netflix operates under the assumption of inherent honesty among its users, who are unlikely to exploit the service to the detriment of the company. These examples illustrate a departure from blind trust, instead embracing a model of Smart Trust—a judicious blend of minimizing risks while simultaneously maximizing opportunities. Smart Trust is predicated on the initial inclination to trust others, coupled with a rigorous analytical process. This approach does not naively expose one to exploitation; rather, it begins with the presumption of honorability and integrity in others, subject to subsequent verification. The essence of Smart Trust lies in the harmonious integration of a predisposition towards trust with a comprehensive analytical evaluation. Successful organizations implement mechanisms to identify and address instances of trust abuse. For example, eBay employs advanced detection systems to identify fraudulent behavior, thereby maintaining the integrity of its trading community. At the heart of Smart Trust is a meticulous analysis encompassing three critical variables: the specific opportunity or task being entrusted, the associated risks and potential outcomes, and the credibility of the individuals involved. This analytical framework enables a strategic approach to trust, positioning Smart Trust as a catalyst for achieving superior outcomes in a high-trust environment. The reciprocal nature of trust engenders a virtuous cycle, propelling individuals and organizations towards greater achievements at an accelerated pace. In essence, Smart Trust serves as a powerful business accelerator and amplifier, underscoring the profound impact of wisely extending trust. The wisdom of ancient philosophers and enduring proverbs echoes the timeless relevance of Smart Trust. Democritus, a 5th-century B.C. Greek philosopher, advised against indiscriminate trust, advocating instead for a discerning trust in individuals of proven worth—a principle that resonates with the essence of Smart Trust. Similarly, the Russian proverb "Doveryai, no proveryai" (Trust, but verify) encapsulates the balanced approach of Smart Trust, emphasizing the importance of verification in the extension of trust. These historical insights underscore the enduring significance of Smart Trust as a strategic imperative in navigating the complexities of the modern world, where trust remains an invaluable asset in fostering prosperity, energy, and joy.

