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Scott McKain

What customers really want

Customers seek a personal bond with businesses, desiring a compelling experience over a transaction. When this happens, products become distinguished, not commoditized. However, businesses and customers are disconnected in areas like service, focus, prospecting, differentiation, clarity, and innovation. To bridge this gap, companies should devote more time to culture and customer relationships to progressively improve experiences. With the right philosophy focused on connections and meeting customer needs instead of budget, businesses can thrive.

What customers really want
What customers really want

book.chapter Customer service vs experience

Exceptional customer service transcends accurate and efficient transaction processing. It's a common misconception that customer service can be confined to a single department. In reality, outstanding service weaves customer satisfaction into the very fabric of a company's culture and mission, touching every department. Building reciprocal relationships and emotional connections with customers is crucial for creating service experiences that foster loyalty and a deep-seated passion for the brand. Progressive companies understand that there are three tiers of customer interaction to master. The first is the basic expectation of prompt and accurate order processing. While important, this alone won't set a company apart, as competitors can easily replicate it. To personalize the experience, companies should use the customer's name, add appropriate humor, ensure interactions are smooth and friendly, and provide entertainment during any waiting periods. The second tier involves adopting a customer-centric mindset across the entire organization. It's not enough for customer service to be the sole responsibility of one department. Every employee, whether in sales, marketing, operations, or technology, should see customer satisfaction as a part of their role. Customers seek the reassurance that a business cares about their needs, not just about processing their orders. Personal relationships and consistent follow-ups show a dedication that goes beyond the basics. The third tier is where truly memorable customer experiences are born, through emotional connections that ignite a passion for the brand. This level is achieved by excelling in the first two tiers and then integrating three key components: superior customer information, systematic empathy, and a focus on creating sensational experiences. By gathering detailed insights into each customer's preferences and goals, a company can offer personalized interactions that resonate on a deeper level. Organizations that empower their employees with systematic empathy encourage proactive and creative solutions to customer issues. This approach allows for customized interactions that surpass expectations. Lastly, companies that aim to create sensations make customers feel uniquely valued. They provide subtle indications throughout the customer journey that the customer is receiving special treatment. When the entire organization aligns with the goal of enhancing customer experience, it transforms into a comprehensive customer service entity. This dedication to delivering superior experiences makes customers feel appreciated and connected, turning them into enthusiastic advocates and loyal supporters of the brand.

