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Ryan Mathews & Watts Wacker

The deviants advantage

The most groundbreaking ideas often originate from individuals with unconventional lifestyles, as they offer a unique perspective outside societal norms. This deviation fosters innovation, leading to the creation of successful products and services that transition from the margins to widespread acceptance. Understanding this journey from fringe to mainstream is crucial for businesses aiming to capitalize on emerging opportunities. In today's fast-paced world, ideas traverse this path quicker than ever, emphasizing the importance of identifying and nurturing these nascent concepts for future commercial success. Recognizing and leveraging these ideas early can set a business apart, ensuring it thrives amidst rapid change.

The deviants advantage
The deviants advantage

book.chapter Innovation's evolutionary journey

In the dynamic landscape of innovation, the journey of a nascent idea from its inception to becoming a widely accepted commercial entity is a fascinating process that unfolds through five progressive stages. Initially, these ideas germinate in what is known as the Fringe, a space where creativity knows no bounds and where societal norms are often challenged. Here, individuals who may be perceived as unconventional by mainstream standards are the pioneers of novel concepts, leveraging platforms like the Internet to connect with like-minded individuals, albeit with little concern for fame or recognition. As these ideas begin to resonate with a broader audience, they transition into the Edge. This phase is characterized by a growing community of early adopters, often seen as the hip crowd, eager to explore and experiment with these emerging concepts. This group plays a crucial role in testing and validating the ideas, setting the stage for their further evolution. Trend analysts and futurists pay close attention to this phase, recognizing it as a harbinger of larger market trends to come. Following the Edge, the journey continues into the Realm of the Cool, where the ideas begin to gain significant traction and enter the mass market. This stage is marked by increased visibility and acceptance, with marketers and brands actively engaging with this trendsetting crowd through strategic promotions and product samples, aiming to amplify the buzz around these ideas. The momentum built in the previous stages propels the idea into the Next Big Thing, a phase where mainstream media attention and growing consumer interest signal the idea's readiness for prime time. This is a critical period of growth and expansion, where the demand for new products and services based on the idea begins to surge. Ultimately, the idea reaches the pinnacle of its journey, becoming a Social Convention. At this point, it is fully integrated into the fabric of society, adopted as a norm and embraced by the mass market. This stage represents the culmination of the idea's evolution, where it becomes a standard part of everyday life for the majority of people. Historically, the transition from the Fringe to Social Convention was a lengthy process. However, the advent of the Internet has dramatically compressed this timeline, enabling ideas to move from the fringes of society to mainstream acceptance at an unprecedented pace. This acceleration has profound implications for businesses and marketers, underscoring the importance of identifying and nurturing promising ideas at their earliest stages. Despite the well-defined path from the Fringe to Social Convention, it's important to note that not all ideas successfully navigate this journey. Some may lose momentum and stall at various stages, failing to reach the mass market. Nonetheless, the continuous evolution of communication technologies is making it increasingly feasible for ideas to bridge the gap between the Fringe and mainstream acceptance more swiftly than ever before. As ideas evolve, they may take on different forms, becoming clichés, icons, or archetypes, or they may simply fade into obscurity. Regardless of their ultimate fate, the process of innovation is cyclical and predictable, with new ideas constantly emerging at the fringes, ready to embark on their journey toward becoming the next Social Convention. This cycle of innovation underscores the perpetual nature of change and the ongoing opportunity for businesses to identify and capitalize on emerging trends.

