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Ryan Babineaux & John D. Krumboltz

Fail fast fail often

High achievers prioritize action over extensive planning, embracing the world with a willingness to fail, which paves the way for later success. They learn from what doesn't work, gaining from unexpected experiences and opportunities. Embracing early losses can lead to long-term victories. Dive in and act; let initial failures inspire rather than deter you. Discovering today's mistakes is key to tomorrow's triumphs. Fail quickly and often, and use failure as a stepping stone. Start now by doing what you love, even imperfectly, to unlock new possibilities and boost confidence through action.

Fail fast fail often
Fail fast fail often

book.chapter Pursue enjoyable activities

Many individuals postpone their happiness, waiting for a future milestone such as wealth, weight loss, or business success before allowing themselves to enjoy life. This "not yet" mindset emphasizes what's lacking rather than the present opportunities for progress. It makes change feel burdensome rather than exciting and enjoyable. Empowering people to transform their lives is more effective when they are encouraged to engage in enjoyable pursuits. No matter how stuck one feels, there are always positive steps to take and new experiences to enjoy. For instance, Gary Erickson, founder of Clif Bar, discovered his business idea during a fun cycling trip that turned into an unexpectedly long journey. Unable to eat another unpalatable energy bar, he was inspired to create a tasty alternative. With his mother's help, he developed a natural ingredient energy bar that tasted good. Launched in 1992, Clif Bar's sales soared to over $20 million in five years, and Erickson declined a $120 million buyout offer. He credits the idea's inception to his leisurely bike ride with friends. Social science research suggests that just as sleep is necessary for well-being, daily fun activities are also essential. A suggested ratio of three positive experiences to every negative one helps maintain a positive outlook. Even if this ratio isn't always achievable, the intention to enjoy daily pleasurable activities can foster a flexible, confident, and appreciative mindset, leading to better productivity and work satisfaction. Keeping a journal to track positive experiences can reinforce a positive frame of mind and openness to new opportunities. John Thorn, a baseball historian, notes that play is not only a child's work and learning method but also a fundamental human need for joy. Engaging in fun activities aligns with this innate desire and can lead to unexpected opportunities for advancement, just as it did for Erickson and his Clif Bar.

