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Rodd Wagner & James Harter


Gallup identified 12 core elements that managers must provide to create high-performance workplaces. These were derived from analyzing over 1 million employee interviews. The 12 elements are: clearly set expectations; ensure people have the tools to do their job; enable people to utilize their talents; recognize good work; Encourage development; show you care personally; regularly discuss performance; create growth opportunities; build workplace friendships; promote quality work; make people feel their role matters; solicit everyone's opinions. In essence, if managers focus on providing these 12 things, employees will in turn do great work for the organization.


book.chapter Let all know expectations

Effective management recognizes the importance of teamwork, where the collective effort towards a common goal surpasses individual achievements. Aligning team members on shared objectives is crucial, as it enables even average teams to outshine groups of individual stars who lack unity. This alignment fosters a culture where teamwork is valued over solo performances, leading to significant performance enhancements. Managers play a key role in ensuring everyone is focused on the same goals, facilitating a collaborative environment where individual efforts complement rather than conflict. Achieving true alignment involves understanding interdependencies, adapting to changing circumstances, and having clear performance expectations. This creates a foundation for genuine teamwork, characterized by mutual support and a seamless integration of efforts. Knowledge sharing within the team enhances both explicit and tacit understanding, the latter of which is crucial for superior team performance. Tacit knowledge, gained through experience and interaction, allows for greater flexibility and responsiveness. Managers can cultivate this by setting clear visions and expectations, enabling teams to self-organize and develop trust. Ultimately, the essence of effective teamwork lies in the team's ability to evolve and refine their collaborative processes, leading to outstanding achievements.

