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Robert S. Kaplan & David P. Norton


Corporations aim to generate synergies, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. However, conflicting goals among business units can hinder this. To rectify this, alignment at the corporate level is crucial, which can then trickle down to business units, support functions, investors, and external partners. A Balanced Scorecard and a Strategy Map, forming an enterprise value proposition, can facilitate this alignment. This proposition can serve as a template for all stakeholders to coordinate their activities, and also help in consistently explaining corporate activities to investors. By crafting well-aligned Balanced Scorecards and Strategy Maps at all levels, corporations can generate synergies and add value, leading to natural alignment and synergy realization.


book.chapter Basics: strategy charts and performance metrics

The Balanced Scorecard is a strategic management tool that uses four perspectives - financial, customer, internal process, and learning and growth - to illustrate how a business aims to generate shareholder value. Each perspective is interconnected through cause-and-effect relationships, which the Balanced Scorecard is designed to capture and represent. For instance, a training program that enhances employee skills (falling under the learning and growth perspective) is expected to lead to improved customer service (an internal process). This improvement should then result in greater customer satisfaction and loyalty (the customer perspective), which should logically lead to increased revenues and potentially higher profit margins (the financial perspective). The Balanced Scorecard captures these relationships in detail, enabling informed management decisions. A Strategy Map is a visual tool that represents the relationships captured by the Balanced Scorecard. It demonstrates how the tangible and intangible assets of a business work together to create added value. Strategy Maps provide a framework for making important management decisions that help the organization consistently and productively move towards its objectives. Alongside a Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard, an organization can place action plans detailing initiatives and their budget allocations, strategic plans guiding future investment decisions, and other frameworks and metrics that reflect the organization's progress.

