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Robert J. Ringer

Million dollar habits

Success doesn't hinge on innate intelligence, unique abilities, education, hard work, or luck. The gap between success and failure is surprisingly narrow, devoid of any secret formulas. Success boils down to consistently practicing straightforward, effective habits accessible to all. These habits, once cultivated, can steer anyone towards success. Actions yield results, and the secret lies in directing daily efforts through these success habits. A successful life is essentially an accumulation of successful days, achieved through the persistent application of these habits

Million dollar habits
Million dollar habits

book.chapter Grasping reality

Embracing reality over dreams, desires, and wishes is a crucial step towards achieving success. This approach requires a love for truth that surpasses the urge to see one's dreams realized, leading to a trade-off where fantasies are exchanged for tangible, high-level success. The essence of success lies in understanding and accepting reality as it is, not as we wish it to be. Reality, grounded in immutable principles like the law of actions having consequences, forms the bedrock of success. To cultivate the habit of success, one must transcend delusions and view the world with realism. The world of advertising, which thrives on creating alluring delusions, exemplifies the temptation to live in a world of fantasies rather than facing the stark realities of life. Success is directly proportional to one's dedication to shunning delusions and making decisions based on reality. Human psychology is fraught with the something-for-nothing urge and delusions of grandeur, especially evident in business transactions and negotiations. These urges must be controlled to avoid unrealistic expectations and outcomes. The journey to major success is paved with the avoidance of delusions, embracing the often uncomfortable but ultimately rewarding realm of reality. Recognizing that actions have consequences, and the greater the effort, the higher the reward, is fundamental. This understanding enhances the quality of results and life. Achieving an accurate perception of reality involves self-examination, discipline, intellectual honesty, and the willingness to face the truth, acknowledging one's responsibility in any situation. Knowledge and wisdom are the pillars of understanding reality, with knowledge offering insights into the workings of the world and wisdom providing the means to apply this knowledge effectively. Surrounding oneself with wise individuals and learning from the experiences of others, as well as from personal setbacks, accelerates the journey to success. In the quest for success, the search for truth and the avoidance of enticing fantasies are paramount, echoing the humorous resignation of Ashleigh Brilliant who, overwhelmed by the challenge, opted to seek a good fantasy instead.

