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Robert Cooper

Get out of your own way

The greatest obstacle to achieving your dreams is often internal, rooted in the way your mind operates. Our brains, evolved for survival, tend to favor established habits and routines, discouraging risk-taking and novelty. This protective mechanism, while useful in the past, can hinder progress in the modern era. To overcome this, you need to retrain your brain to think differently. This involves making five key choices: stop repeating the same actions and try something new, even if it seems impossible. This shift in mindset can unlock your unique combination of skills and talents, paving the way for personal success.

Get out of your own way
Get out of your own way

book.chapter Guidance instead of direction

The level of busyness in one's life often doesn't equate to progress on a productive path. The human mind, inclined towards operating on pre-established habits and routines, finds it challenging to adjust to changes, resisting new directions. To consistently deliver peak performance, it's crucial to cultivate the habit of activating the part of your brain adept at envisioning the future, namely your forebrain. This involves selecting instances to visualize your future direction vividly, contemplating the most straightforward path to that future, reflecting on your unique skills and passions, and then working towards making that dream a reality. Surprisingly, the world tends to align with your vision once you control your direction and set things in motion. Quotes from luminaries like Arthur C. Clarke and Robert H. Goddard emphasize the importance of dreaming and envisioning the future, moving beyond perceived limits. What's considered impossible is often just an opinion, not a fact. History is filled with individuals who achieved what was deemed impossible by conventional wisdom. To ensure consistent forward movement, don't settle for what others label as "good" or "great." Focus on surpassing your best performance, discovering your true potential, which is always more than anticipated. Disregard the "experts" and, when faced with decisions, choose paths that propel you towards the outer edges of what's possible. Creating opportunities to do your best work involves looking for open spaces in everything you do, areas where you can apply all your talents and passions. To keep your open-space dreams at the forefront, you need to guide your thinking proactively. Be unrealistic, envision a bright future, and commit to a long time horizon. Remind yourself how yesterday’s "miracles" are today’s realities, and keep your goals open and adaptable. Following basic steps like setting a compelling goal, envisioning the path, finding ways to compress the timeline, and daring to achieve the impossible can lead to significant progress. Setting up automatic cues and reminders can help maintain focus on your open-space goals, such as posting targets where you'll see them daily, setting alarms, taking physical actions, setting deadlines, sending yourself reminder emails, or having a buddy check in on your progress. These automatic drivers embedded into your daily routine remind you to dedicate time to your goals, leading to steady and impressive results. Adaptability is key in navigating life's constant changes, challenges, and opportunities. Trying new paths, being curious about different options, breaking conventional rules, experimenting with habits, and letting go of the unnecessary can increase adaptability, flexibility, and self-confidence. Remembering the importance of fun is crucial in this journey towards achieving your open-space goals and embracing the full spectrum of possibilities your future holds.

