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Rob Adams

A good hard kick in the ass

Many myths about starting a business are misleading. Success comes from adhering to fundamentals like having a viable idea, assembling the right team, finding customers and revenue early on, and managing costs ruthlessly. Believing myths about easy money, tiny slices of huge markets, or effortless growth via advertising will likely lead to failure. Success requires hard work, sacrifice, persistence and focusing on the basics - solving real problems for real customers at a fair price. There are no shortcuts. Aspiring entrepreneurs should ignore myths and hype, focus on fundamentals, and be prepared to outwork the competition.

A good hard kick in the ass
A good hard kick in the ass

book.chapter Principle #1 – Build a remarkable team.

Entrepreneurs often passionately believe in the uniqueness of their business ideas. However, the key to success lies not in the novelty of the idea, but in the ability to execute a viable business concept effectively. This requires "execution intelligence" - the capacity to make the concept work in the real marketplace. It starts with hands-on domain expertise and includes the ability to manage risk, adapt quickly, and possess a mix of marketing, product development, and leadership skills. While most startups may not have extensive execution intelligence initially, successful founders understand the need to acquire these skills over time. They prioritize building a competent management team over the idea itself, recognizing that while good ideas are common, teams that can execute well are rare and valuable. As business advisor Rob Adams puts it, "Good ideas are not scarce – they’re a commodity; what’s rare is a team that can execute." This sentiment is echoed by Michael Dell, CEO of Dell Computers, who emphasizes the importance of execution and implementation of a great strategy. For aspiring entrepreneurs, the message is clear: sustainable success requires translating ideas into reality through flawless execution. Building a team with the experience, skills, and leadership to execute well separates successful ventures from failures. Success hinges less on ideas themselves and more on the rare ability to implement them in the complex real world

