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Rita McGrath & Ian MacMillan


A "MarketBuster" significantly changes the business landscape, positioning your company for substantial growth. It involves choosing one of five strategic themes and a specific strategy within that theme to execute flawlessly. This approach demands an entrepreneurial mindset, focusing on innovation in offerings, business methods, and solutions rather than competing on price. It also requires embracing disciplines that navigate the uncertainties of new markets, even if they are outside your comfort zone. This concept is articulated by Rita McGrath and Ian MacMillan.


book.chapter Enhancing customer interactions

Enhancing the customer experience is a critical aspect of business success, and one effective way to achieve this is through consumption chain analysis. This approach involves examining the entire sequence of activities customers undertake to fulfill their needs. By visualizing and understanding this consumption chain, businesses can identify opportunities to improve and innovate the customer experience. Customers are primarily interested in products and services that solve their problems or help them accomplish tasks. Gaining deep insights into customer preferences and the reasons behind them enables businesses to focus on what truly generates demand for their offerings. The consumption chain for any product or service is a series of linked events that together constitute the customer's total experience. This chain varies for each customer, even within the same industry, making it essential to analyze and understand it from multiple perspectives. To improve the customer experience, businesses should ask themselves several questions. How effectively are we enhancing the customer's overall consumption experience? Are there steps in the chain that customers would rather avoid? Can we serve the customer in unique and better ways? Are there offerings we provide that customers do not value? Which step in the chain adds the most value for the customer, and how can we dominate that step? How can we change the chain to benefit our business significantly? Are there any obvious, easy wins that we can quickly implement to improve the customer experience and increase our profits? Businesses can reinvent the value chain to provide a dramatically different and improved experience for the customer. Amazon.com revolutionized the book buying experience by leveraging customer referrals, simplifying the process of buying books for others, enabling the resale of used books, and facilitating easy payment options. Digital technology offers powerful ways to transform business operations and customer interactions. For instance, CarsDirect.com allows customers to research and complete car purchases entirely online, eliminating the need for a physical inventory of cars, which is a costly aspect of traditional car dealerships. A smarter link in the consumption chain is one that provides additional information or capabilities, enabling customers to accomplish more independently. This added value often comes in the form of time savings, which many customers are willing to pay for. For example, ExxonMobil's Speedpass system allows customers to purchase gas and other items without the need for swiping a credit card or signing receipts, saving them time. Innovative businesses find ways to monopolize critical events in the consumption chain or be the first to recognize when they occur, effectively locking out competition. Otis and Kone, elevator companies in the U.S. and Europe respectively, developed early warning devices for elevator maintenance needs, allowing them to offer preventative services before competitors are even aware of the issue. Similarly, a specialized golf cleat manufacturer educates golf pros and maintenance staff at golf courses about the benefits of their cleats, which improve grip and reduce damage to greens. By influencing the customer at the crucial moment of purchase, this manufacturer has significantly increased revenue while others in the industry have stagnated.

