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Ramesh Dontha

The 60 minute startup

Building a profitable business in just one hour a day is achievable by embracing agile entrepreneurship. Many new entrepreneurs obsess over details like logos instead of quickly seeking customer feedback. The agile method suggests starting with the basics, securing early customers, and iterating based on their responses. This approach, inspired by the agile software development model, emphasizes rapid revenue generation over perfecting the business plan. By dedicating just 60 minutes daily for a month, you can establish a real business with actual customers, bridging the gap between entrepreneurial desire and ownership.

The 60 minute startup
The 60 minute startup

book.chapter Day 1: begin with 'what'

Peter Drucker emphasized that the primary purpose of a business is to create a customer. On your first day, focus not on the 'why' of starting a business but on assessing your knowledge, skills, abilities, and assets that can attract customers immediately. Compile these into a matrix, rate each for competency and passion, with 1 being the highest. Then, identify potential customers who could benefit from what you offer. This structured approach helps prioritize your offerings based on your strengths and interests.

