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Peter Killing & Thomas Malnight & Tracey Keys

Must win battles

Must-win battles (MWBs) are the few critical challenges that an organization must conquer to meet its financial and strategic goals, essential for sustaining a competitive edge. Identifying and agreeing on these MWBs is challenging due to differing priorities within the leadership team, and the list may evolve as market conditions change. This process is continuous, involving both intellectual and emotional elements, such as choosing the right battles and fostering a dedicated team to win them. Unlike short-lived management trends, focusing on MWBs ensures consistency and prevents resource waste. While most MWBs are market-focused, like launching new products or revitalizing brands, the real sustainable competitive advantage lies in building a cohesive management team. A united top team can execute initiatives swiftly and effectively, providing a lasting edge that is hard for competitors to replicate, leading to a cycle of renewable market advantages.

Must win battles
Must win battles

book.chapter Initial steps - preparation

Before embarking on the critical journey of must-win battles (MWBs), it is essential to ensure that both your leadership team and the broader organization are adequately prepared. This preparation involves laying a solid foundation, which includes developing a widespread understanding within your organization about the critical importance of MWBs, conducting a thorough and realistic evaluation of the challenges your business faces at the outset, and assessing whether your leadership is fully equipped and ready to steer the MWB journey. It is important to recognize that no two MWB journeys are identical, nor should they be. Each business embarks on its MWB journey from a unique starting point. While some businesses may be in a robust financial position, others might be grappling with crises. Similarly, the cohesion and effectiveness of management teams can vary significantly, as can their vision for the future. These differences underscore the need for a tailored approach to MWBs. Must-win battles are essentially the critical marketplace challenges that your organization must overcome to achieve its strategic goals. Typically, these battles are few, often numbering between three and five, and are characterized by several key attributes. A MWB must significantly contribute to the overall objectives of your company, to the extent that winning these battles is crucial for the organization's prosperity. These battles are focused on achieving success in the marketplace rather than resolving internal organizational conflicts. Moreover, MWBs are designed to be both exciting and challenging, setting ambitious targets that require collective effort to achieve. They are specific, measurable, and usually have a timeframe of two years or less, ensuring that they are both tangible and achievable with the right amount of effort and resources. Every business starts its MWB journey from a distinct point, influenced by various factors such as the financial health of the company, the effectiveness of the management team, and other considerations. To accurately gauge your starting point, it is advisable to analyze four critical questions. These include assessing the current and future profitability of the business, evaluating the performance and cohesion of the management team, determining the appropriateness of the company's strategic priorities, and assessing the overall health and market focus of the organization. A detailed understanding of these aspects is crucial as they significantly influence the direction and urgency of the MWB journey. The readiness of an organization to embark on a MWB journey largely depends on the availability of the right leadership. The unique challenges presented by MWB journeys require leaders with a specific set of skills. An effective leader must be capable of owning the MWB journey, making difficult choices, and building a cohesive team. The leadership style can vary, with some leaders adopting a commanding approach, while others may prefer to build consensus, rely on data-driven decisions, or inspire and motivate their teams. The decision to appoint an internal leader familiar with the organization's intricacies or to bring in an external leader also plays a crucial role in the journey's success. The concept of must-win battles is inherently energizing, suggesting a scenario where competitors are to be outmaneuvered and critical challenges urgently addressed. Senior managers, particularly those dissatisfied with their organization's current performance, find the idea of identifying and winning MWBs highly appealing. The MWB concept has evolved through practical experience with managers seeking to drive significant, sustainable change and improve their organization's bottom line. Successful implementation of MWBs requires not only identifying and winning the right battles but also transforming the top team and the organization into a more unified, less siloed entity capable of focusing its collective energy and capabilities on the chosen battles. This transformation is a journey, emphasizing the need for a strategic and well-planned approach to MWBs.

