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Peter Diamandis & Steven Kotler

The future is faster than you think

Technologies such as 5G, AI, VR, and AR are advancing rapidly on their own. When these technologies merge, they trigger the Law of Accelerating Returns, leading to revolutionary breakthroughs at an unprecedented pace. We are on the brink of a technological revolution where changes that once took decades will happen almost simultaneously, transforming everything we know. The future promises constant, accelerating change, making adaptability crucial. According to Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler, the coming decade will be marked by unimaginable innovations and opportunities, redefining industries and showcasing human imagination like never before. Welcome to a future beyond our wildest dreams.

The future is faster than you think
The future is faster than you think

book.chapter Top ten innovations

Throughout much of history, the progression of technology has been a steady, linear affair. Innovations would incrementally build upon their predecessors, much like how a new model of a vehicle, such as the Ford F150, would offer slight enhancements over the previous year's version. This predictable pattern of development is something markets have grown accustomed to. However, a shift is occurring in various sectors where advancements are not just building upon the old in a linear fashion but are expanding at an exponential rate. This rapid pace of technological evolution is not only surprising but also a reality we are witnessing unfold. Exponential growth in technology typically adheres to a pattern known as the "Six Ds of Exponentials": Digitalization, Deception, Demonetization, Disruption, Dematerialization, and Democratization. Once a technology transitions from analog to digital, it triggers a cascade of exponential dynamics. Initially, the early stages of exponential growth may go unnoticed, as they are often subtle and seemingly insignificant. However, as the technology matures, it reaches a point where it becomes so cost-effective that it essentially becomes free, leading to the demonetization of the old technology. This, in turn, disrupts and creates new markets, often rendering existing ones obsolete. The technology then becomes so integrated into other products that it effectively dematerializes, and finally, it reaches a stage of democratization, where it becomes accessible to everyone on a digital platform. One of the most fascinating aspects of this exponential growth is the phenomenon of convergence. This occurs when multiple technologies, each on their own exponential trajectory, merge to create products that were previously inconceivable. A prime example of this is the concept of flying cars, which were a staple of futuristic predictions in the 1960s but failed to materialize due to limitations in safety, noise, and cost. However, recent advancements in drones, robotics, manufacturing techniques such as 3-D printing, artificial intelligence, and battery technology have now made flying cars a viable prospect. These technologies have advanced independently at a remarkable pace, and their convergence is what makes the idea of flying cars entering the market by 2029 or earlier a plausible scenario. Investors have recognized the potential of these converging technologies, pouring over $1 billion into at least twenty-five companies that are vying to introduce flying cars to the market. The confidence is high that within a few years of their introduction, the costs associated with owning and operating a flying car will be lower than those of traditional cars, making it economically more sensible to opt for the aerial alternative. The convergence of technology is not limited to flying cars. It is a broader trend that is affecting various fields, including drug development. The pace at which new medications are being developed is accelerating not only because of the rapid progress in biotechnology but also due to the convergence with other technologies like artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and more. These overlapping waves of technology are building upon each other, creating massive shifts that promise to transform our world in ways that are hard to fully comprehend. Ray Kurzweil, a prominent futurist and director of engineering at Google, has calculated that the coming century will witness the equivalent of twenty thousand years of technological change. This means that groundbreaking innovations will become a regular occurrence, reshaping our lives at an unprecedented pace. In summary, we are at the cusp of a technological revolution where ten key technologies are advancing at exponential rates, bringing about a convergence that will unleash a multitude of transformative forces. These forces will save time, increase the availability of capital, lead to the demonetization of goods and services, harness global genius, create an abundance of communication, spawn new business models, and potentially extend human lifespans. The impact of these forces, fueled by the convergence of exponential technologies, will be profound, touching every human on the planet and propelling us into a future that is indeed faster than we think.

