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Paul Leinwand & Cesare Mainardi

The essential advantage

To maintain a competitive edge in business, it's crucial to achieve and sustain a unique advantage by excelling in areas where competitors fall short. Successful companies maintain coherence by concentrating on their strengths, continuously enhancing their capabilities to stay ahead, and having a clear strategy and market position. To remain at the forefront, it's essential to select a market approach that leverages your distinct capabilities, focus on becoming exceptional in three to six key areas, and develop a product and service range that capitalizes on these strengths for superior financial performance.

The essential advantage
The essential advantage

book.chapter Strategy based on capabilities

To incrementally enhance coherence levels, pragmatic decision-making is essential. Adopting a strategy focused on capabilities necessitates modifications across three strategic facets, considering them collectively rather than in isolation. This involves pinpointing your strengths and market opportunities, then developing the capabilities to merge these aspects in a systematic and coherent manner. Without such an approach, companies often find their coherence diminishing over time due to various reasons: an executive might spot a new market and propose acquiring relevant capabilities in a hopeful "if you build it, they will come" manner; another might conduct a SWOT analysis, suggesting a new strategic direction; or the company might become overly reliant on an existing product line catering to a shrinking market. However, market analysis reveals a clear statistical link between coherence and financial success, demonstrating a consistent "coherence premium" across multiple industries and markets. This premium manifests in four distinct ways: a capabilities-driven strategy enhances effectiveness through a continuous focus on improving key capabilities; it allows for targeted investment, initiating a virtuous cycle of enhancement; applying capabilities across a broader range of products and services yields greater value through reduced duplication and increased efficiency; and a unified strategy ensures organizational alignment, streamlining decision-making processes. A capabilities-driven strategy is grounded in three interconnected strategic elements: 1. The way to play, which defines how value is captured in the market through a specific commercialization strategy. 2. The capabilities system, encompassing the distinct activities that deliver value and propel the chosen strategy. 3. The product and services fit, ensuring all offerings are supported by the capabilities system and align with the strategic direction. This approach is not about reacting to market potential but about a thorough understanding of customer needs, growth opportunities, existing capabilities, and their integration. It involves deliberately building capabilities based on the chosen strategic direction and continuously aligning the product and service portfolio accordingly. This strategy evolves with experience, enhancing coherence over time. To gauge current coherence levels, consider several questions: 1. Is the value creation strategy clear? 2. Are investments being made to strengthen relevant capabilities? 3. Can the key capabilities and their synergistic operation be identified? 4. Do business operations leverage this superior capabilities system? 5. Are the organizational structure and performance management systems aligned with these capabilities? 6. Is there a defined "sweet spot" for products and services, and do offerings fall within this category? 7. Are new products and acquisitions evaluated for their strategic fit? 8. Can all organization members articulate the differentiating capabilities? 9. Is leadership consistently reinforcing these capabilities? 10. Is there a deserved market position, and do decisions contribute to or detract from organizational coherence? This comprehensive evaluation ensures a focused, coherent approach to strategic planning and execution, essential for sustained success and competitiveness in the market.

