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Patrick Bet-David

Your next five moves

To excel in business, become a strategist and think at least five moves ahead at all times, just like a chess grandmaster. There are five key future strategic moves you need to master to succeed: - Understand yourself and your goals. - Solve problems effectively. - Build a winning team aligned on values. - Strategize to scale your business. - Make strategic power plays when opportunities arise. Thinking five moves ahead is the sweet spot - enough to anticipate outcomes without overthinking. And these five moves give you everything you need to achieve business success. Even if you don't play chess, act like a grandmaster and always think ahead. As Patrick Bet-David explains, mastering these five moves is what you need to do to excel.

Your next five moves
Your next five moves

book.chapter Know thyself inside out

In the realm of business, the significance of self-awareness is often underestimated, yet it stands as a cornerstone for strategic thinking and forward planning. Recognizing the person you aspire to be sharpens your direction and motivations, bringing your goals into focus. Without a deep understanding of your core drivers and long-term ambitions, progress remains elusive. It is through regular introspection, aimed at clarifying your identity and objectives, that you can uncover the path that aligns with your commitments and vision. The question, "Who do you want to be?" is not a one-time inquiry but a continuous reflection that provides resilience in the face of setbacks. Knowing your destination allows you to transform disappointments into momentum. Pursuing a purpose greater than oneself ignites passion, enthusiasm, and joy, transforming life into an adventure. Identifying your driving cause and desired identity is crucial in this journey. Michael Jordan's father famously remarked that challenges could serve as rocket fuel, a sentiment Jordan echoed during his Basketball Hall of Fame induction speech, highlighting how criticism fueled his determination. This approach to channeling adversity into motivation is a powerful driver. Deciding on your identity also involves selecting the right role that leverages your abilities. The modern world offers a plethora of options, from inventor to CEO, sales expert, influencer, entrepreneur, and beyond. Each role comes with its pros and cons, but the key lies in aligning your position with your strengths for optimal outcomes. Embodying your future self in the present can make your aspirations more tangible. Thomas Watson, IBM's founder, believed that for IBM to become a great company, it had to act like one well before it reached that status. Emulating heroes who have excelled in your chosen field, visualizing yourself achieving similar feats, and asking how they might navigate your challenges can inspire you towards your goals. Keeping images of these role models can serve as a constant source of inspiration. Understanding your life purpose and motivations is a journey of discovery, not a single moment of revelation. A personal identity audit, examining public perceptions, self-perceptions, and the discrepancies between your public and private personas, among other aspects, can shed light on your strengths and areas for improvement. This process of self-discovery is essential for personal and professional growth. Choosing between climbing the corporate ladder as an intrapreneur or venturing into entrepreneurship is another critical decision. While intrapreneurs find success within organizations, entrepreneurs are drawn to the challenge of creating something new, often finding success in untapped niches. Your personality and competitive edge are key factors in determining which path is more likely to lead to prosperity. Patrick Bet-David points out that entrepreneurship is fraught with potential rewards and risks. The reality of entrepreneurship may not be for everyone, but for those who feel a calling towards starting their own ventures, aligning their strengths with their business choices can significantly reduce risks. Whether you're drawn to the innovation of entrepreneurship or the stability of corporate growth, understanding your temperament and leveraging your competitive advantages are essential steps towards achieving success.

