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Oren Klaff

Flip the script

The traditional sales approach of pressuring customers into purchases is increasingly ineffective. Today's consumers resist such tactics, often recoiling when they feel pushed or dictated to, and their trust in the seller and their product diminishes. Instead, the most effective sales strategy is to subtly guide the buyer to discover and embrace your product or idea independently. This approach capitalizes on the inherent trust people have in their own ideas, leading them to become enthusiastic advocates for the product, effectively selling it to themselves. To achieve this, a shift in sales tactics is required. Rather than persuading, the focus should be on planting the seed of your idea in the buyer's mind, nurturing their interest, and allowing them to fall in love with it. This empowers the buyer, giving them the autonomy to make their own decisions. In this new paradigm, products are not sold, but rather bought, reflecting the buyer's active role in the process. This approach, championed by Oren Klaff, involves a five-step process that transforms the traditional sales script, turning the power over to the buyer

Flip the script
Flip the script

book.chapter Item #1 – achieving equal status .

The initial step in persuading someone to believe that an idea originates from them is to establish a sense of equality in status. This approach is distinct from merely attempting to be friendly or likable. Instead, it involves signaling through a "Status Tip-off" that you are part of their group. An effective status tip-off encompasses three essential components. For instance, if you're aiming to sell to a leading energy investor in California, a strategic status tip-off might be: "I'm convinced that Grid Connected Micro Inverters are poised to become the next billion-dollar industry. That's the reason I was instrumental in advocating for State Bill 350, which aims to eliminate the restrictive caps on meter credits. Additionally, I believe the upcoming waiver for Assembly Bill 802 in September will significantly benefit us, ushering in a surge of investment into the market. Tomorrow, I'm off to Arizona to finalize a new solar project. You might have already come across the presentation. It might not be as thrilling as some of your ventures but it's quite promising for investors, offering a 12 percent return in the first year. Perhaps we could discuss this further sometime." The primary goal of the status tip-off is to demonstrate that you share the same level of status, authority, and influence. You're not merely a salesperson pushing a product, but rather a recognized figure in the field. This method is effective because individuals of similar power and status within any industry or hierarchy naturally gravitate towards each other, almost as if by a magnetic force. Status alignment is crucial not only in major business transactions but also in everyday interactions, such as dealing with a parking valet. Oren Klaff, for example, drives a meticulously restored 1971 Alfa Romeo Sprint, which he is particularly fond of. Normally, he prefers to park it himself, offering to tip the valet for simply directing him to a spot. However, during one encounter, after Klaff expressed his desire to park his car himself, the valet's response revealed a deep understanding and passion for cars that Klaff hadn't anticipated. The valet inquired about specific modifications to Klaff's car, indicating his own expertise and interest in the subject. This brief exchange served as a "secret code," instantly elevating the valet's status in Klaff's eyes from a mere attendant to a fellow car enthusiast, possibly even more knowledgeable than Klaff himself. Impressed and reassured, Klaff entrusted his prized vehicle to the valet, along with a generous tip, confident in the valet's capability and care. Achieving status alignment is the foundational step in convincing someone that an idea is their own. It's about instilling confidence that they are interacting with a peer who operates on their level. This doesn't require much time; the right choice of words and symbols to signify your place in the social hierarchy is key. In today's world, a combination of subtle visual and verbal cues instantly conveys the social status of individuals around us. Your attire, the specific language you use, your tone of voice, and how you conduct yourself in various situations all signal your status within a group or society. By learning to recognize and manipulate these cues, you can adjust your perceived status at will, according to Oren Klaff.

