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Norm Brodsky & Bo Burlingham

The knack

There's no magic formula for business success, but adopting a success-oriented mindset is key. This mindset prepares you to tackle any situation or opportunity, enhances your chances of success, and guides you to make winning decisions. Rather than searching for a guaranteed success strategy, focus on cultivating the right attitude. Such mental habits have been crucial for me and other successful entrepreneurs in building thriving businesses and achieving our goals.

The knack
The knack

book.chapter Decision-making: logic over emotion

Maintaining emotional control is crucial when starting a business, as it's easy to make impulsive decisions out of fear or excitement. These decisions can hinder your progress toward your true objectives. It's natural to worry about paying bills, earning a living, hiring good employees, and having enough startup capital. To avoid regrettable choices, analyze your thoughts and establish systems that align with your long-term goals. Crafting a business plan is beneficial, even without seeking external funding. It helps you understand your cash flow, break-even point, capital allocation, and profit margins, giving you a clearer picture of your business's realities. Shift from a sales to a business mindset, focusing on profitable sales to protect your capital and ensure your expenses are covered by your gross profit. Finally, determine when your business will reach critical mass, where monthly cash generation sustains the business without additional capital. Achieving this milestone means your business is self-sufficient, but continue to manage it prudently.

