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Nick Bare

25 hours a day

The conventional view that you should cram activity into every hour for productivity is backwards. Instead of cramming, prepare to intensely pursue passions, even if overcommitted, as if working 25 hours daily. Nick Bare exemplified this "25 Hour" mindset, building his brand after army work while others slept, delaying vacations and luxuries to focus each day on his goals. The key is zealously prioritizing and committing to inspirations, to the point it feels like squeezing 25 hours of effort into 24. This does not mean mindless busyness but strategic dedication towards what most inspires in life.

25 hours a day
25 hours a day

book.chapter Embrace adversity

You'll never accomplish your dreams through passive contemplation alone. At some point, you have to take action. Creation rarely follows a straight path or clean process. But the only real failure lies in not learning from our mistakes as we go. By fully embracing adversity, we expand our limits. Progress requires movement. Complaining accomplishes nothing. With an empowered, optimistic mindset focused on growth, we can achieve greatness through challenge. As Nick Bare's experience in South Korea demonstrates, we grow by seeking out difficulty rather than comfort. During his military service, Nick devoted himself to building his business with sheer determination instead of wasting time. He put in long hours learning new skills like photography and digital marketing while overcommitting himself. Nick made mistakes throughout the process but maintained a growth mentality centered on learning. He expanded his company substantially in a short period through this relentless routine and drive. The saying "work smarter, not harder" suggests the main goal should be seeking the easy way in life. But there are no shortcuts. As Nick argues, we should seek out struggle instead. Just as muscles adapt to stresses from training, so too do our lives grow stronger when tested. Dreams rarely follow straight lines and creation is messy. But by fully embracing adversity, we force ourselves to grow. As Nick explains, "The mind will take you where your body won’t. Those who seek out difficult experiences rather than lives of comfort will achieve what they want." The ethos behind "embrace the suck" is that challenge prompts growth. By moving beyond our comfort zone and leaning into hardship, we gain knowledge and skills. The payoff comes through perseverance. "Embrace the suck" endures because it works - not as a shortcut to hidden potential, but as a reminder that life is like weight training. We expand by adapting to stress. You have to get up and take action to accomplish dreams rather than passively contemplating. With an empowered mindset focused on growth, we can achieve greatness through the suck. Progress requires movement. Complaining accomplishes nothing. By fully embracing adversity and learning from mistakes, we force ourselves to grow stronger. As Nick says, "Do a good job at whatever you do. It’s that simple". Determination matters more than finding the easy way.

