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Mike Schultz & John Doerr

Professional services marketing

Today's professional services firms can no longer rely solely on repeat business and referrals to grow. To succeed, smart and engaging marketing is essential to attract new clients continuously. Firms should focus on five key areas: First, deliver maximum value to satisfy clients who will stay loyal and make referrals. The more value provided, the greater marketing’s impact. While firms once thrived on repeat business alone, those days have passed. This change brings opportunities to seize through proactive marketing. New client acquisition must be ongoing to survive and thrive. Get service delivery right, as that drives marketing success. Though the past relied on reputation, now extensive marketing is required. Opportunity awaits for firms embracing change. Take advantage through smart marketing to bring in new clients steadily. Client referrals remain important, but marketing drives growth today.

Professional services marketing
Professional services marketing

book.chapter Growth - craft a strategy for business expansion

Effective marketing is crucial for professional services firms aiming to grow and succeed. It leads to four key outcomes that are essential for expansion. Firstly, marketing initiates conversations with potential buyers, broadening the client pool and generating valuable leads. This continuous engagement is vital for increasing a firm's clientele. Secondly, well-crafted marketing strategies enhance the chances of winning new business. They do this by familiarizing potential clients with the firm and building confidence in its capabilities. This familiarity can position the firm as a thought leader in its industry, which is highly advantageous. Thirdly, marketing can boost revenue and fees by attracting new clients and increasing business from existing ones. This can be achieved through various strategies, such as bundling services or cross-selling additional offerings. Marketing supports these strategies, enabling firms to experience significant growth. Lastly, strong marketing improves a firm's reputation as an employer, making it more attractive to top talent. Continuous marketing efforts facilitate the recruitment and retention of skilled professionals, as well-known firms are often perceived as leaders in their sector and thus more desirable workplaces. To realize these outcomes, marketing must be a deliberate effort, not left to chance. An effective marketing plan for professional service firms typically involves a seven-phase process. 1. Align marketing with the firm's overall goals, ensuring it supports revenue and growth objectives. 2. Evaluate current marketing efforts to understand what works and what doesn't, identifying how marketing directly contributes to revenue. 3. Engage stakeholders in brainstorming sessions for new marketing ideas and tactics to gain their support. 4. Test assumptions and identify real opportunities, refining strategies for the best results and quickly capitalizing on readily available opportunities. 5. Summarize the marketing plan on a single page, including budget and expected outcomes, to ensure clarity and allow for feedback from all involved parties. 6. Finalize the comprehensive marketing plan, incorporating feedback and securing necessary budgets and resources. 7. Communicate the plan to key stakeholders and implementation personnel to gain their commitment. Execute the plan with flexibility to adapt to better options and opportunities that may arise. The marketing planning process can take from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the firm's structure and decision-making speed. To maintain momentum, some phases can overlap. Business units may develop their own plans, which are then integrated into the overall strategy. Continuous evaluation of results and adjustments to the plan are crucial for an effective marketing and growth strategy. This ongoing feedback loop helps keep marketing efforts aligned, prevents costly mistakes, and allows for optimization throughout the year.

