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Michael Masterson

Seven years to seven figures

Financial freedom can be achieved in a relatively short time if you make it a top priority. The key is having an intelligent plan to accumulate wealth through means beyond just frugality and compound interest. You need three things to secure your financial future sooner than expected: a sound plan based on the right principles, a realistic way to make time for the plan, and the willpower to do the required work. Providing the plan is easy, following through on it by adding hard work is what separates those who achieve from those who wish. Becoming wealthy is like becoming fit - we may want it but few will do what's needed. As Frank Lloyd Wright said, dedication, hard work and devotion are the secret to success. If you stay focused, you have everything required to reach seven figures in seven years or less.

Seven years to seven figures
Seven years to seven figures

book.chapter Choose active investing over passive investing

Achieving significant wealth through passive investments in stocks, commodities, or limited partnerships is often viewed as an unrealistic ambition. To secure above-average returns in these areas, one typically needs to dedicate decades of hard work to gain the necessary expertise for success. For those aiming to accumulate wealth quickly, relying solely on passive investing is insufficient. A strategy that demands considerable effort is crucial for rapid wealth accumulation. Financial advancement necessitates sacrifices from everyone involved. The idea of turning a modest investment into a substantial sum is alluring, yet the chances of such success are incredibly slim. Depending on an investment that offers little control, minimal engagement, and very low odds of success for your financial future is risky. It's important to understand that when advisors or investors achieve significant profits in stocks or other assets, it's the result of years of relentless dedication to refining their strategies. Warren Buffett, often celebrated as one of the greatest investors in history, did not reach his status overnight. His success is built on a foundation of unparalleled experience, guiding every investment decision he makes. To attain a level of expertise comparable to Buffett's, one must also spend decades developing their investing skills. Although the benefits of compound interest are well-known, its most dramatic effects are only realized over the long term. For those aiming to build a seven-figure net worth in just seven years, compound interest plays only a minor role in such a short timeframe. To generate a net worth of $1 million within seven years requires making substantial annual investments and achieving significant returns. With a 10% return rate, nearly $100,000 would need to be invested each year. At a 20% return rate, the annual investment drops to around $65,000. For a 30% return, more than $40,000 needs to be invested annually, and at a 40% return, the figure is $30,000 per year. This highlights the extreme difficulty of rapidly building wealth without a large initial capital investment. To rapidly achieve a seven-figure net worth through passive investing, one must begin with a considerable amount of capital, consistently earn above-average returns, exceeding 10% annually without any losing years, continuously contribute increasing amounts of new funds each year, despite other financial commitments, and avoid withdrawing funds, even in the case of family emergencies. True wealth comes from spending less than you earn. Reducing expenses, rather than maintaining a lavish lifestyle, is key to growing net worth. As income increases, it's crucial to resist the temptation to increase spending proportionally. Instead, focus on saving and investing a larger portion of your income. Individuals earning over $500,000 a year should aim to save and invest at least 40% of their income. Making wealth accumulation a top priority is essential for success. Without a dedicated commitment, efforts to build wealth can easily be sidelined. The choice of investment vehicles varies depending on the amount of capital available for investment each year. For most people, this means investing in high-yield savings accounts with less than $5,000, opting for index funds with $5,000 to $20,000, exploring real estate crowdfunding with $20,000 to $100,000, and considering direct real estate or business investments with over $100,000. Wealth building is a process that involves saving, investing, and often some level of active management. Solely relying on passive investments rarely leads to quick financial independence. However, with perseverance and the right approach, achieving your wealth goals is entirely possible.

