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Now build a great business

Now is the perfect time to build a great business that can rise above turbulent times. Companies built amidst economic turmoil emerge stronger, while those built in prosperous times often falter when conditions worsen. If you can succeed now, you can withstand future shocks. To build a great business, focus on these fundamentals: get organized, stay flexible, pay attention to details without losing sight of the big picture, and make personal sacrifices. Success depends more on taking frequent action towards your goals than luck. The more you try, the more likely you will achieve your aims. The time for theory has passed; action is needed now. We face unprecedented business upheaval, and things will not return to how they were. Competition today is more intense than ever before. Overcoming the many tough challenges ahead requires building a resilient business that can thrive despite economic shocks and reach the top of its industry.

Now build a great business
Now build a great business

book.chapter Key #1 – becoming an effective leader.

Leadership is crucial, especially during tough times. Dynamic leaders can steer organizations to thrive, not just survive, by delivering results despite any obstacles. To excel in challenging times, leaders must rejuvenate their approach and continuously seek to delight customers. Leadership hinges on three core principles: understanding the purpose of the organization's work, having a passion that fuels drive and energy, and focusing on performance by setting actionable goals and ensuring accountability. History shows that many legendary leaders emerged during adverse conditions. For instance, in the tumultuous 1970s, Charles Schwab, Steve Jobs, and Herb Kelleher founded successful startups. They exemplified how leaders can create their own opportunities by staying focused amidst chaos. Similarly, today's success stories like Google, Marriott, Procter & Gamble, and Nokia all started modestly but thrived due to strong leadership that refused to let them fail, demonstrating the same tenacity needed today. Effective leaders share several key traits: they take risks, exhibit integrity, maintain focus, listen to customers, are oriented towards change, project confidence, believe in themselves, have a clear vision, commit to excellence, show flexibility, and hold themselves and others accountable. To be a great leader, one should take calculated risks and lead boldly, stand firm on what's right, prioritize and execute flawlessly, listen and improve customer experiences, drive innovation, project confidence and respect, remain resilient, inspire with a compelling vision, continuously improve, adapt to changes, and ensure accountability. Embracing the right mindset and approach can help overcome challenges and lead to excellence, even in difficult times. Leadership demands hard work, but its impact is profoundly rewarding.

