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Mark H. McCormack

The 110 percent solution

Humans thrive when exerting full effort, as seen in sports where intense competition captivates audiences. This principle extends to business, where maximum effort leads to immense satisfaction and happiness. Such dedication in business boosts self-esteem, confidence, and a profound sense of accomplishment. Immersion in a project fosters pride. To consistently reap these benefits, a savvy career individual will foster an environment that demands this level of commitment, allowing the rewards of giving one's best to be experienced repeatedly.

The 110 percent solution
The 110 percent solution

book.chapter Achieving beyond 100%

Human beings often experience their greatest sense of fulfillment and job satisfaction when they are fully engaged and exerting their utmost effort in their endeavors. This principle holds true across various fields, from professional sports to business environments. When individuals invest their peak effort, they not only enhance their self-esteem but also foster a strong sense of achievement and self-confidence. The joy and satisfaction derived from giving 110% effort are not limited to athletes but can be experienced by anyone willing to practice, discipline themselves, and push beyond their current limits. The excitement observed in sports competitions, where athletes give their all, can also be applied to other areas of life. Consistently putting in extra effort requires discipline and a commitment to exceed one's perceived limitations. While some may choose to coast through their professional lives with minimal effort, true fulfillment comes from striving for excellence and fully committing to one's goals. For instance, someone with a new business idea could take various approaches to share it with their company's chairman, ranging from hoping for a chance encounter to meticulously planning and preparing for the opportunity. However, it's essential to recognize that the 110% effort approach is not the only path to fulfillment. The world is vast and diverse, with enough space for people with different priorities and approaches to life. While striving for excellence, it's crucial to remain tolerant and understanding of others' choices. Success in business and life ultimately encompasses a broad spectrum of experiences, including comfort, confidence, and the joys of personal connections.

