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Mark Fisher

The instant millionaire

Achieving success and wealth is more straightforward than it seems - simply define your goals clearly in writing, set a timeline, and direct every thought and action towards achieving these goals. Ultimately, the only barriers to your success are the ones you impose on yourself. The moment you decide to become a millionaire, put that ambition in writing with a clear deadline, and focus all your energy on that goal, is when you truly start on the path to becoming one.

The instant millionaire
The instant millionaire

book.chapter Crafting wealth through goals

The secret to accumulating wealth is deceptively straightforward, yet often overlooked: clearly define your financial aspirations, set a firm deadline to achieve them, and focus on your goal so intently that it becomes an all-consuming passion. Many hesitate to explicitly ask for what they want, opting instead to hint or not persist when they do ask. In contrast, successful wealth builders are precise about their targets, understanding the strong link between their thoughts and actions. Belief is the starting point; one must first believe in the possibility of becoming wealthy and then pursue it with fervor. Common rationalizations for not reaching financial goals include lack of time, money, or ideal conditions. However, these are merely excuses. Everyone has the same 168 hours each week; it's up to the individual to determine the worth of their time. History shows that the wealthy have often built their fortunes with borrowed capital. Those serious about wealth creation find the means to begin. Moreover, waiting for perfect circumstances is futile since external conditions reflect internal thoughts. Life is largely shaped by attitude, and those who understand this don't attribute their life's outcomes to external factors. Simplicity is often the hallmark of true genius. Complexity may provide a convenient scapegoat for failure, but it's a distraction from personal accountability. Successful individuals seem to attract wealth effortlessly. As for caution, while it can prevent mistakes, it can also lead to missed opportunities. To ensure success, sometimes one must commit fully, leaving no room for retreat. This can unleash powerful creative forces within. The technique for wealth building involves writing down the desired amount of money and the time frame for earning it. Millionaires concur that their wealth began with setting a deadline for a specific financial goal. Without a clear destination, progress is impossible. Life yields what we expect from it; vague goals lead to vague results. Precise goals with deadlines reflect one's self-worth. To increase earnings, one must enhance their self-image. Our thoughts shape our reality, and life conforms to the limits we set, consciously or not. Achievers start with a firm belief in their success, which allows them to access their creative potential. Logic and reasoning are tools, but they should not hinder the achievements born from a belief in the mind's power. Expanding mental boundaries leads to an expanded life. By setting bold yet reasonable objectives, you define the scope of your life. To begin, write down: "In six years from today, I will be a millionaire." Sign and date this declaration, and place it where you'll see it often. This act is a commitment to your goal and a constant reminder of the path you've chosen.

