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Lawrence R. Perkins

Dont be a stranger

For all the interesting inbound and outbound marketing you will ever do in your career, the one thing that will probably make your phone ring the most is hearing from people you've built a relationship and personal connection with. People always have and still prefer to do business with people they know and like. Therefore, you can and should engage in vibrant, ongoing strategic relationship building. You'll be amazed at how frequently strategic serendipity will come into play once you've built your network. Be top of mind with the people you like, and they will reach out to you again and again with business opportunities that will fill your pipeline.

Dont be a stranger
Dont be a stranger

book.chapter Principle #1 – embrace simplicity .

Building relationships is a straightforward process that hinges on trust and likability. It's about staying connected with the people you know, a task made easier by the "Dunbar Number," a theory by British anthropologist Robin Dunbar that suggests humans can maintain about 150 stable relationships. This doesn't mean you need to be in everyone's top 150, but rather, you need to be "top of mind" when they think of someone in your field. This is achieved through Strategic Relationship Building, which involves creating regular touchpoints or moments of connection, not just networking. These touchpoints, whether they're a lunch meeting or an email exchange, keep you at the forefront of people's minds. Serendipity also plays a role, as seen in instances where casual conversations lead to significant business deals or when an unfortunate event, like an email hack, results in rekindled connections and business opportunities. Reaching out to your network doesn't always have to be about business. Engaging in conversations about everyday life, such as books, vacations, or sports, can be just as effective. These light and friendly interactions, while seemingly superficial, are essential in fostering connections and putting positive energy into the universe. Regular human contacts have been proven to enhance longevity and quality of life, making your life and career richer. These interactions create advocates for you, increasing the likelihood of future business collaborations. Building relationships through touchpoints is a powerful long-term business strategy that leverages people's trust and grows careers within companies. It's not about adding skills or delivering on those skills, but about building quality touchpoints and making human connections. Even simple gestures like bringing pizza to client meetings can make a difference. Ultimately, it's about making clients feel good and being remembered positively, which can fast-track your career

