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Ken Segall

Insanely simple

Simplicity works. Apple's obsession with simplicity, driven by Steve Jobs, led to its stunning success. Jobs preached simplicity like a religion and wielded the "simplicity stick" within Apple's management. An insistence on simplicity in allareas of Apple, from hardware to marketing, was inspired by Jobs. This simplicity is now ingrained in Apple's DNA. Why does simplicity work? People inherently prefer simple solutions. Although everyone likes simplicity, most companies overly complicate things for customers. Pursuing simplicity can power a company to great heights. Developing elegant yet simple solutions makes one invaluable. Simplicity works. While not the sole factor behind Apple's success, simplicity connects Apple to customers and inspires them to spread the word. Apple's devotion to simplicity forms an unbreakable bond with customers. Simplicity is what drives Apple's creations and behavior.

Insanely simple
Insanely simple

book.chapter Think direct

Steve Jobs was renowned for his blunt and straightforward communication style, often perceived as abrasive but driven by a commitment to honesty. He prioritized clear and direct feedback, which was integral to Apple's culture and success. Ken Segall, who worked closely with Jobs, emphasized that this approach provided clarity on expectations and consequences, fostering an environment where everyone knew their standing and focused solely on progress. Jobs' insistence on simplicity meant enforcing clear standards consistently, even if it caused discomfort. He was unapologetically critical of subpar work, famously dismissing efforts he deemed unworthy with sharp comments. His directness was not just about being harsh; it cut through confusion and aligned the team. Jobs also had a disdain for traditional corporate roles he considered superfluous, preferring to invest in meaningful work and value. His approach, while causing some difficult moments, ensured that everyone at Apple understood how to improve and contributed to their best ability. Jobs' legacy of uncompromising honesty and simplicity in communication remains a lesson in the importance of transparency and high standards in driving a company's success.

