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Julie Morgenstern

When organizing isnt enough

SHED is a method for decluttering and moving forward by letting go of the past. It involves identifying what truly matters and discarding the rest to clear space and energy. First, determine which items are no longer useful and dispose of them. Next, identify and cherish items that align with your future goals. Embrace your true self by recognizing your worth beyond possessions. Finally, actively fill your life with experiences and items that reflect your desired future path. This process helps in focusing on what's important and moving towards personal growth and change.

When organizing isnt enough
When organizing isnt enough

book.chapter Sort your valuables

When we encounter obstacles or find that certain aspects of our lives are no longer functioning as they once did, we're presented with a choice: to repair what's broken or to start anew. Both paths require us to step back and consider the broader vision for our future. This is where the concept of a "theme" comes into play—a guiding statement that encapsulates the feelings and experiences we wish to pursue. A theme isn't about specific actions; it's about how we want to feel, our "true north," the core of what we aim to achieve in our personal and professional lives. A well-crafted theme should be simple, allowing for adaptability as circumstances change. It should empower us to act and speak in alignment with our true desires and be expansive enough to influence every facet of our existence. The possibilities for defining your life's theme are endless, and it should be a broad, overarching phrase that sets the direction for your life from this point forward. It's often useful to compare your future theme with the one that has dominated your recent past to appreciate the shift in focus. For instance, if your current theme has been "To prove my competence," you might shift to "To fulfill my personal commitments." Or, if you've been focused on "Safety and security," you might transition to "To discover new career opportunities." This shift in theme can reinvigorate your sense of purpose and provide a clear trajectory for change. It's not just about reorganizing your life; it's about moving towards a specific destination with a plan in hand. Henry David Thoreau once said, "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined." Similarly, Goethe encouraged boldness, stating that it has "genius, power, and magic in it." These sentiments echo the transformative power of adopting a new theme in life. Throughout our lives and careers, we accumulate objects, obligations, and habits that may have once been valuable but no longer serve us. The SHED process is about clearing out the old to make room for the new. Clutter can manifest in three forms: physical belongings, a schedule crammed with low-value activities, and time-consuming bad habits. It's essential to examine these areas and identify where the most significant opportunities lie to create space for new experiences. While you may find clutter in all three areas, it's usually best to start with one and use it as your entry point into the broader SHED process. Most people begin with physical clutter because clearing it can provide a significant psychological lift, propelling them to tackle their schedules and habits next. However, the order in which you address these areas depends on what makes the most sense for you. The key is to make a decision and concentrate on one area at a time. SHED is distinct from other organizational methods. It's not just a decluttering mission; it's about making space for new possibilities by discarding the old and obsolete. It's not about organizing what's important but about freeing yourself to move towards something new and improved. Even well-organized items can be shed if they're no longer used. True organization requires letting go of some possessions, and SHED is a continuous process of transformation rather than a project with a definitive end. Success in SHED is measured by the transition to a life filled with more energy, excitement, and authenticity. Julie Morgenstern describes SHED as more than just discarding things—it's a process that transforms the act of letting go into an opportunity for self-discovery and growth. It's a catalyst for living a richer, more connected life, offering clarity, lightness of being, and the chance to engage with the world as your most authentic self. SHED is a tool for anyone undergoing any transition at any stage of their life, guiding them towards a future aligned with their chosen theme.

