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Joseph McCormack


Joseph McCormack is an author and communication expert who specializes in teaching professionals how to communicate more effectively. He is known for advocating brevity in communication, particularly in the business world, where attention spans are short and clear, concise messaging is crucial. McCormack has written on the subject, including the book "BRIEF: Make a Bigger Impact by Saying Less," which focuses on the importance of being succinct to influence and persuade. His work emphasizes the need for discipline, decisiveness, and awareness to master the art of being brief.


book.chapter Awareness - the importance of brevity in today s world

In today's information-saturated world, people are constantly bombarded with data. This overload can lead to disengagement if the information presented is not concise and compelling. The key to effective communication is to capture your audience's attention before they get distracted. This is a challenge, as most people speak at about 150 words a minute, while the human brain has the capacity to consume around 750 words a minute. This discrepancy, known as "The Elusive 600" effect, can cause listeners to drift off to other thoughts if the speaker does not get to the point quickly. To counter this effect, clarity, conciseness, and compelling content are crucial. The moment you assure someone that your explanation will be brief, their stress levels decrease. People today are under time pressure due to four prevalent forces: inundation by a vast volume of information, difficulty focusing and prioritizing due to the sheer volume of content, frequent interruptions, and growing impatience. These factors make it essential to deliver your message quickly and concisely. However, achieving brevity can be challenging due to various reasons, including fear of taking a stand, overconfidence, self-centeredness, familiarity with the listener, confusion, complexity of the subject, and carelessness. Recognizing these barriers can help you work towards becoming a master of brevity. As Joseph McCormack puts it, "To be brief doesn't just mean being concise. Your responsibility is to balance how long it takes to convey a message well enough to cause a person to act on it. That's the harmony of brevity when it's striking the right chords

