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Jonathan Fields

Career renegade

The truth is you can turn nearly any passion into ample income. However, it often requires exploring unseen aspects or bringing them to new markets in defiance of norms. When I've made moves, many said “You can’t!” At first I'd argue. Now I say “Just watch!” and do it anyway. We're not here just to pay bills, prep kids to do the same, and maybe retire. We're here to shine brightly, savor bonds of family and friends, serve our community, and kindle passion in all we do. We're here to feel alive. In doing so, we inspire others that thriving beyond getting by is not only possible, but essential.

Career renegade
Career renegade

book.chapter Find your passion

Discovering your passion is indeed the first step to becoming a career renegade. It's not about being the best in the world at something, but rather about knowing how to monetize what you love doing. To embark on this journey, you need to ask yourself two key questions: What activities do I love doing? And who do I love being around? Take some time to reflect on these questions. You'll likely find that certain activities or people ignite your passion. Write these down. Then, ask yourself if you could make a comfortable living from these passions. For now, assume the answer is yes, with enough creativity. Start by making a list of activities you enjoy. This will serve as your initial guide. Then, refine this list by considering when you reach a state of flow. The concept of flow refers to those moments when you get so absorbed in an activity that you lose track of time. If you love something so much that you become completely engaged in it, that's a clear sign it's a personal passion. Next, consider the types of people you seek out. As social creatures, we humans enjoy collaborating with like-minded people. Pay attention to who you prefer to spend time with and what they like to do. This can shape your own passions and interests. Identify the people who make you feel most alive. Who would you love to work with on a daily basis? With this reflection, your true passions should become clearer. Take out a blank sheet of paper and write down the pursuits you'd happily do as a career. These should be activities that lead to flow states and involve people you admire. Most importantly, they should feel intrinsically rewarding, regardless of any external benefits. Use this list as a foundation for your renegade career. It's helpful to view conventional career wisdom as something that thins out the competition. It weeds out those who are unwilling to think originally. See it as a test to overcome by leading with your passion. Conventional paths may work for some, but they won't lead to great work unless you truly love what you do. There are many ways to monetize your passion. For some, the renegade templates will provide a precise roadmap. Others may blend aspects of multiple paths and adapt them as needed. Once you remove the blinders of convention, new possibilities emerge if you remain open and persistent. Children innately know how to tap into their passions in a way that adults often struggle with. Ask an eight-year-old what they love, and you'll get answers like playing sports, dancing, gaming, arts and crafts, or inventing new candy. They acknowledge what they enjoy and assume they can make careers of them. Why can't they? The renegade path aims to help people reclaim that mindset. The first step is uncovering what you're passionate about. This requires self-reflection on your flow states and ideal collaborators. Once you identify your true passions, you can begin mapping out ways to monetize them while defying conventional wisdom. With enough creativity and commitment, you can build a renegade career doing what you love with people who inspire you. Conventional career paths may work for some, but they won't lead to great, fulfilling work unless you passionately love what you do.

