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John Maxwell

Talent is never enough

Talent alone is not enough for success. Highly talented people may not reach their full potential without making the right choices. To maximize talent into talent-plus, one must: recognize natural talents through assessments; engage employees by empowering strengths; accelerate performance via feedback; and lead by example. Talent sets limits, but effectiveness converts talent into results. Talent is abundant, but the hard work separating success is a choice. Destiny is not chance, but the achievement of choices. Life deals you talents, yet maximizing them depends on your choices. Talent-plus people make choices that empower abilities into maximum potential. Steer yourself toward the right choices to become talent-plus, build on your talents, and fulfill your destiny. When talent meets right choices, talent-plus and full potential emerge. The science of talent identifies natural talents so people and teams can achieve their best.

Talent is never enough
Talent is never enough

book.chapter Confidence - confidence elevates your abilities

Self-belief is a powerful tool that many lack, limiting their achievements. Confidence in one's abilities unlocks inner resources, leading to success and the realization of one's potential. Without self-confidence, even those with natural talents may fall short of their capabilities. To become the best version of oneself, it's essential to believe in achieving greatness, understand that improvement comes with practice, and recognize a personal purpose for remarkable achievements. This mindset, rather than focusing solely on ability, leverages belief to expect and achieve extraordinary results. John Maxwell encourages living the life you're meant to by envisioning and believing in the person you can become. America's history of achieving the impossible, from building the largest economy to landing on the moon, illustrates the power of this belief. Overcoming outer space challenges suggests we can also conquer inner obstacles, improving lives and utilizing talent fully, as Christopher Reeve's analogy of life as a ten-speed bike suggests, indicating we often have untapped potential.

