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John Hagel III & Lang Davison

The power of pull

As the first decade of the 21st century concludes, a significant shift is evident in both commerce and society. Where once top-down "push" strategies dominated, with products created for mass markets, we now see a rise in "pull" platforms. These technologies enable on-demand customization and consumption, offering control to the consumer. This shift is not just about convenience; it's a transformative force in markets and society. Those who master the art of pull can unlock vast resources and achieve remarkable performance gains. This is a call to action: embrace pull methodologies to succeed personally, transform institutions, and potentially reshape the world. It's challenging, but the alternative is to risk being left behind as passion, talent, and resources flow to those who adapt.

The power of pull
The power of pull

book.chapter Understanding pull

The push strategy focuses on forecasting and meeting demand through scripted systems. In contrast, the pull approach encourages spontaneous collaboration, attracting passionate individuals and fostering rapid learning and performance improvement by leveraging resources and connections as needed. Gaining Entry In the realm of business, the significance of networks has been a longstanding principle. Historically, having the right connections and securing favorable deals could provide a company with a competitive edge over its rivals. This concept has evolved with the advent of digital technology, giving rise to the pull strategy. This strategy amplifies traditional networking through the extensive reach of digital social platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and others that may emerge. Pull strategy emphasizes the ability to swiftly locate, learn about, and engage with various resources—be it people, products, or knowledge—on a need-to basis, especially when facing unforeseen challenges. In an era marked by the Big Shift, where disruptions are increasingly common, the ability to access a wide array of resources promptly is not just advantageous but essential for survival and success. This shift from relying on accurate demand forecasts to seeking broader resource access in shorter time frames marks a significant transformation in how businesses operate. Pull platforms are instrumental in enabling companies and individuals to discover other people, raw materials, and experiences; connect for collaboration; innovate through experimentation and learning; and reflect to consider new combinations or improvisations. It's crucial to understand that pull platforms are distinct from lean manufacturing, just-in-time methodologies, or digital technology alone. At the heart of every pull platform are individuals ready and willing to connect and collaborate. Access to a robust pull platform is becoming crucial for business success as it allows for leveraging the capabilities of others. A prime example of the effectiveness of pull platforms is Li & Fung, a $15 billion enterprise that has experienced double-digit growth for the past twenty-five years. Operating in the global apparel industry, Li & Fung stands out by defining the needs of apparel designers in the United States and Europe and then configuring customized supply chains through its network of 10,000 business partners. This customization is not only optimized for individual designers but also for each specific line of apparel produced. Li & Fung's success lies in its deep understanding of its partners' strengths, enabling the company to select the right partners, define their roles, sequence their involvement, and conduct quality checks efficiently. Despite the industry's notoriously slim profit margins, Li & Fung has maintained impressive profit margins, achieving this feat with relatively simple technology such as telephones and fax machines rather than advanced digital tools. This highlights the company's ability to adapt and reconfigure supply chains swiftly in response to changing customer demands, underscoring the power of preparedness and adaptability in business success, as famously noted by Louis Pasteur, "Fortune favors the prepared mind." Drawing Interest In the realm of Pull, the concept of "attraction" is pivotal. It's about creating an environment where serendipity can flourish, connecting you with people or organizations that possess the solutions to long-standing problems you've been tackling. This goes beyond the first level of Pull, which is access. Access is undeniably potent; however, in an era marked by continuous upheaval, its effectiveness is somewhat curtailed. We often find ourselves in situations where we don't even know what to look for, despite the increasing capabilities of search technologies. While many of us are adept at drawing towards us what we have previously encountered, it's less common to recognize that we can actually cultivate serendipity. This involves attracting individuals and resources we need but were unaware we were searching for. John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, and Lang Davison emphasize that attraction is about setting the stage for serendipity. It might seem counterintuitive, but there are deliberate actions you can take to consistently expand your horizons and invite serendipitous events. For instance, immersing yourself in environments dense with potential connections—places where you're likely to meet others who share your interests—is one strategy. This could mean relocating to a city known for its industry relevance, engaging with the most populous online social network in your field, or attending key conferences and trade shows. Visibility is another crucial factor. By establishing a presence in your industry, such as writing for trade publications, you become more intriguing and approachable to key influencers. Encouraging others to participate actively in your field also plays a role. This could involve mentoring newcomers, offering scholarships, or other forms of support that contribute to the growth of your industry. Timing is equally important. Being prepared to seize opportunities as they arise, maintaining an open and receptive attitude, and honing your listening skills can significantly increase your chances of benefiting from serendipity. Moreover, making the most of each interaction is essential. Being attuned to the potential for serendipity in your daily encounters, excelling in relationship-building, and cultivating trust can lead to valuable connections. Yossi Vardi puts it succinctly: serendipity requires effort. It's not merely a happy accident but something you can actively foster through your choices and actions. Platforms like Google exemplify the power of Pull by providing access to information whenever it's needed, regardless of its location on the internet. Social networks like Facebook, on the other hand, serve as catalysts for attention. They connect users with people they may not know well or at all, who often have complementary skills and turn out to be highly relevant. Such networks enhance the potential for serendipity by drawing to us those we didn't even know existed and wouldn't have thought to seek out. This underscores the transformative potential of Pull in both our personal and professional lives, as we navigate and thrive in the 21st century. Securing Success The concept of Pull, as opposed to the traditional Push economy, emphasizes the untapped potential within individuals and the power of collaboration to enhance learning and efficiency. The Push economy, dominant in the 20th century, operated on the principle of the experience curve, where increased experience in production or marketing led to greater efficiency and lower costs. However, this model had its limitations, as gains from experience diminished over time, making further improvements more challenging. In contrast, the 21st-century Pull economy thrives on collaboration and shared passion, which helps overcome the diminishing returns of the experience curve. Intensive collaboration enables continuous improvement, as participants learn and innovate without end. This is facilitated by what is known as "creation spaces," environments designed for problem-solving, connection, and exploration of new ideas. These spaces are crucial for fostering the creation of new knowledge, which in turn leads to enhanced performance levels. Interestingly, the most effective creation spaces are not spontaneously formed but are intentionally designed by a small group of people. These organizers must consider how to construct the right scaffolds for learning, collaboration, and performance enhancement. When users begin to self-organize within these frameworks, it indicates the success of the underlying systems. The evolution of a creation space is unpredictable, with its best uses emerging as participants experiment and improvise. However, the direction and form of a creation space can be significantly influenced by its organizers, whose early efforts and decisions can determine its success or failure. This is particularly true when a creation space reaches the critical mass of participants necessary to trigger dynamics of increasing returns. To establish a successful creation space, three key elements must be brought together. First, there must be enough participants to make the space dynamic and sustainable. This is often achieved by lowering entry barriers and providing real-time feedback to keep participants engaged. Over time, active participants gain reputation and incentive to contribute more. Second, the space must facilitate both formal and informal interactions, allowing for the accumulation of domain knowledge and collaborative problem-solving. This leads to the creation of new knowledge and potential breakthroughs. Third, a structured workspace with common platforms is essential. These platforms, whether technological or physical, should reduce interaction costs and provide performance feedback. Additionally, there must be clear procedures for managing disputes, decision-making, and general conduct, as well as an allocation of responsibilities. Finally, incentives, whether intrinsic or extrinsic, are necessary to motivate participants to invest their time and effort. Creation spaces, when designed with care, can transform the dynamics of collaboration from short-term transactions to long-term, trust-based relationships, fostering a win-win situation where all participants can achieve higher performance levels together.

