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Jody Gittell

The southwest airlines way

Southwest Airlines' success lies in its exceptional organizational culture that fosters strong relationships between all levels of employees. At the core are 10 key practices that promote shared goals, mutual respect, open communication, and a collaborative spirit. This relationship-centric approach enables smooth operations, empowers employees, and delivers unmatched hospitality. Though simple in concept, actualizing this across the organization is challenging yet pivotal. Southwest stands out for wholly embracing these ideals that permeate all aspects of the company. This relationship-based philosophy transcends any single strategy and is the bedrock that has driven Southwest's profitability and competitive edge for over 30 years. Rivals have tried copying discrete tactics but fail to replicate the cultural foundation. For Southwest, caring for its people underpins caring for its customers and business.

The southwest airlines way
The southwest airlines way

book.chapter 10 organizational relationships

Southwest Airlines has distinguished itself in the competitive airline industry by cultivating strong organizational relationships, which have been pivotal in driving its extraordinary performance. This success is not solely attributed to the presence of a charismatic leader, although such a figure can be beneficial. Instead, the essence of Southwest's triumph lies in fostering credibility through honesty and transparency, alongside demonstrating empathy by genuinely caring for the well-being of its employees. The airline's former CEO, Herb Kelleher, stood as a paragon of these virtues. His approach to leadership, characterized by open communication and a hands-on role in addressing staff's personal challenges, built a foundation of immense trust and respect within the company. At the heart of Southwest's operational excellence are its visionary senior leaders and frontline supervisors, who play a crucial role in enhancing performance through daily coaching and feedback. The airline maintains a favorable supervisor-to-employee ratio and invests significantly in leadership training. This strategy ensures that supervisors, by working closely with staff, earn credibility and wield influence effectively to facilitate problem-solving and skill development. Their accessibility and proactive engagement foster stronger connections within the team. Another cornerstone of Southwest's strategy is its emphasis on hiring individuals with a strong aptitude for teamwork. The company meticulously evaluates candidates for their ability to collaborate and integrate across different roles. This focus is complemented by ongoing training programs designed to bolster relational skills. Southwest also introduces new hires to the broader workflow, helping them understand the interdependencies within their roles. Job exchanges and a strong emphasis on internal promotion further underscore the value the airline places on nurturing relationships. Southwest adopts a constructive approach to conflict, viewing it as an opportunity to strengthen bonds rather than a destructive force. Employees are encouraged to address issues directly, with the option to escalate matters to gather diverse perspectives when necessary. This approach to conflict resolution promotes open communication and mutual understanding, turning potential disputes into valuable learning opportunities that foster respect and knowledge sharing between teams. The airline also skillfully blends professional and personal relationships, encouraging employees to bring their unique personalities to their roles and form meaningful workplace friendships. Southwest supports its staff during personal crises and life events through financial assistance and organizes social and community service activities at each station. Flexible scheduling policies further enable employees to balance work with family obligations, linking their jobs to their overall identities. In terms of operations, Southwest prefers human coordination over technological solutions to manage cross-unit collaboration. The airline employs generously staffed site agents who play a critical role in expediting aircraft turns. By focusing on a single turnaround, these agents have the capacity to build stronger relationships compared to their multitasking counterparts at other airlines. Their visibility and real-time communication facilitate a flexible and responsive operational approach. Performance measurement at Southwest is oriented towards system-level outcomes rather than narrow functional metrics. By concentrating on overall turn delays instead of pinpointing blame, the airline fosters a culture of cross-group learning and collaboration, steering clear of finger-pointing. The autonomy granted to stations further reinforces a collective commitment to shared goals over departmental interests. The airline's approach to job roles is characterized by flexibility, with employees encouraged to take on varied duties as needed. This willingness to adapt ensures smooth operations and strengthens relationships across the organization, making contextual role shifts feasible and aligned with shared objectives rather than being perceived as arbitrary demands. Exceptional labor relations serve as another pillar of Southwest's success. The airline views unions as partners, acknowledging their role in representing employees' interests while also aligning with the company's goals. A foundation of trust, transparency, and realistic expectations has facilitated productive negotiations, resulting in just one strike throughout Southwest's history. Lastly, Southwest's collaborative approach extends to its relationships with key suppliers, such as aircraft manufacturers. By forming long-term partnerships, both parties can concentrate on their core competencies while jointly addressing challenges and capitalizing on new opportunities. Strong internal relationships enable the airline to maintain flexibility, while credible external ties smooth the path for effective partnerships. In summary, Southwest Airlines' exceptional performance is the result of a comprehensive strategy that emphasizes strong organizational relationships. By adhering to ten key practices, the airline has created a synergistic effect that amplifies results beyond what could be achieved through individual efforts alone. These practices, rooted in honesty, transparency, empathy, teamwork, and flexibility, have not only propelled Southwest to the forefront of the airline industry but also offer valuable lessons for companies across various sectors seeking to enhance quality and efficiency through a relationship-centered approach.

