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Jim Kwik


Human potential is infinite - the only true limitless resource. Our creativity, imagination and thinking face no boundaries except those we impose. If you feel unfulfilled, unseen limits likely exist in three areas: Your mindset. Incorrect assumptions and attitudes hold you back. Your motivation. You lack the purpose and energy for greatness. Your methods. You use ineffective processes that yield poor results. Identify these limits, remove them, and achieve your full potential. Free your mind to excel in health, career, academics or relationships. The ability for limitless growth exists within us all. It starts with a simple choice - make it.


book.chapter Section 1 - assumptions (what).

Your mindset – your beliefs, assumptions, and attitudes – do not come pre-installed at birth. You accumulate them over time, and they likely contain limiting ideas that you have entertained as truth. It is possible to adopt a limitless mindset. When you do, you'll find most if not all of your present constraints are self-imposed. You must accept that you have the power to assume this limitless perspective. Your true potential lies within your control, and once you grasp this, your potential expands dramatically. "the human brain has 100 billion neurons, each connected to 10,000 others. Your brain is the most complex object in the known universe." your mindset shapes how you interpret situations. Through experience, you may have come to believe you are average, not exceptional. You have probably internalized limiting beliefs most of your life. This is unfortunate because, like everyone, you have the capacity for genius. Genius has several forms beyond high iq: - creative brilliance - interpersonal brilliance - strategic brilliance - attention to detail You likely exhibit genius in one or more of these areas. The key is overcoming your limiting beliefs. Regard yourself as capable of greatness. “we judge fish by their tree-climbing ability, causing them to doubt their worth.” genius manifests in many ways. “life has no limitations except those you accept.” you can transform your world without magic, for you already hold the power within. “the only way to win is to learn faster than competitors.” “there are no limits except those we impose.” do not accept ideas that constrain you. “it's not what you don't know that causes trouble, but what you assume as true that just isn't so.” use all the mental resources at your disposal. To move past limiting beliefs: 1. Name them so you can rebut them 2. Examine the facts — where is the proof you cannot do this? 3. Actively instill empowering new beliefs “as long as your inner critic claims to be the real you, it will control you. If you can separate it from your true self, you can quiet it.” distinguish negative voices from your authentic voice. “questioning is the object of education, leaving you continually curious.” limitlessness is a choice — why give up that power when you can live without barriers?

