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Jim Kouzes & Barry Posner

The truth about leadership

Values drive commitment, not the other way around. Credibility is the bedrock foundation of all great leadership. As a leader, you must believe you can make a difference. Leaders are distinctive because they always focus on the future. Good leaders openly acknowledge they can’t do it alone. Challenges are always the crucible for greatness in leadership. Trust rules – it’s the glue that holds everything together. The best leaders are lifelong learners. Leadership is an affair of the heart. You either lead by example or you don’t lead at all.

The truth about leadership
The truth about leadership

book.chapter Believing in impactful leadership

Leadership is not confined to the upper echelons of an organization nor is it exclusive to those with charisma and authority. It's a misconception to think so. Leadership is, in fact, accessible to anyone driven by a passion to enact positive change. It doesn't hinge on having a title, power, or fame. Leadership is about making a difference locally, influencing those directly around you more than any CEO could. To be a leader, you must model valuable behaviors, inspire unity in vision, challenge inefficiencies, empower others with trust, and nurture a supportive environment. Leadership is about taking initiative in addressing problems and embodying practices that others are inspired to follow. This approach demystifies the notion that leadership is a distant, unattainable role. It emphasizes that leadership starts with the individual's belief in their ability to impact others positively. James Kouzes and Barry Posner highlight the importance of self-leadership as a precursor to leading others, asserting that one's actions and words can indeed inspire and move people. Marianne Williamson further encourages embracing our potential, suggesting that by doing so, we not only liberate ourselves from fear but also empower those around us. This perspective invites everyone, regardless of position, to step up and lead, thereby contributing to a collective improvement and transformation.

