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Jeffrey Pfeffer


Power provides control to advance your priorities. More power brings greater status, discretion, and opportunities. Studies show powerful people live healthier, longer lives than the powerless facing constant stress. Leadership requires power, so leaders pursue it. Power principles enable strategic accumulation. Thoughtfulness, resilience, vigilance and willingness to fight when necessary, make you effective in gaining power. Knowing your goals gives direction. Becoming more powerful doesn’t require a new you, just slightly more strategic actions. Like compound interest, small improvements accumulate into real differences over time. With skill, even long shots gain positions of power. Campaign ideals meet governing realities, so presidents use powers and persuasion to set agendas and influence Congress and the public. Rational persuasion works most frequently across executives. Discomfort with power reduces it, so experts advise acknowledging and developing your power.


book.chapter The meaning of power

To gain power, one must be proactive in cultivating their influence rather than passively waiting for recognition. The world does not adhere to a principle of fairness; it demands a willingness to take all necessary steps to ascend the ladder of success. Achieving prominence is a combination of merit and the skill of maneuvering through the political landscape. Simply producing excellent work is not enough; it is essential to ensure that your efforts are visible and memorable to those in higher positions. Gaining the favor of influential figures can greatly facilitate your rise. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to acquiring power, as what works in one context may not be effective in another. It is advantageous to observe and learn from the tactics of those who have already achieved success, but it is also crucial to test these strategies yourself. Rely more on your own experiences than on the often idealized advice on leadership that is available. Focus on the practical application of what you know. Forging relationships with key people is crucial, as they can either help or hinder your progress. It is important to provide them with compelling reasons to back your advancement. Power is essential for initiating any kind of change. When used responsibly, it can be an instrument for challenging the status quo and bringing about positive changes. ,Build a base of power that is personal, positional, and relational by sharpening your skills, obtaining formal authority, and growing your network. Promoting accountability ensures that power is used for the common good. By implementing the right strategies, you can acquire the influence needed to enact change at any level. The pursuit of power is not merely about personal gain; it is about the ability to make a difference. It involves understanding the dynamics of human behavior and the intricacies of organizational structures. To be effective, one must be astute, perceptive, and adaptable. It is about recognizing opportunities and being prepared to act on them. It is about being strategic in your actions and building alliances that can support your objectives. Power also comes with responsibility. It is not just about achieving a position of authority but about how you use that authority to impact others. It requires a balance between ambition and ethical conduct. The goal should be to use power to foster an environment where others can also succeed and contribute to the collective well-being.

