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Jeff Shore

Follow up and close the sale

Most sales pitches end with prospects needing time to consider, and many salespeople fail to persistently follow up, missing out on potential sales. An effective follow-up system is crucial for sales success. To improve, dedicate an hour daily to follow up with at least five prospects, moving them closer to a purchase. This consistent effort can significantly increase sales. Follow-up is often overlooked in sales and marketing but is essential for consistent sales. Top salespeople understand the importance of persistence in solving customer problems and recognize that success often lies in diligent follow-up.

Follow up and close the sale
Follow up and close the sale

book.chapter Mindset – the significance of follow-up

In the competitive realm of sales, the distinction between success and failure often hinges on the follow-up. High-performing sales professionals don't merely tolerate follow-up activities; they embrace them as golden opportunities to provide unparalleled service to their clients. Cultivating a passion for follow-up can significantly elevate your sales performance. The famous quote by Wayne Gretzky, "You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take," aptly underscores the importance of seizing every opportunity, including follow-ups, to achieve success. The current state of follow-up calls in the business world is disheartening, revealing why numerous salespeople abandon this crucial step, opting instead to focus on generating new leads. This trend is unfortunate because it overlooks the potential of follow-up to enhance customer relationships and sales outcomes. Many salespeople mistakenly place the onus of follow-up on the customer, failing to proactively engage themselves. As a result, the emotional connection established during the initial presentation fades over time, leaving prospects unable to recall their initial enthusiasm for the solution offered. To counteract these challenges, sales professionals must take charge of the follow-up process, ensuring it is: Relationship-based: Crafting messages that build upon the rapport established during the initial meeting. Service-driven: Demonstrating a commitment to solving the customer's problems, not just making a sale. Emotionally positive: Reinforcing the reasons why the customer appreciated the initial interaction and would benefit from continuing the business relationship. Despite understanding the value of follow-up, many salespeople struggle to integrate it into their busy schedules, facing additional hurdles such as procrastination, telephobia, handling objections, and a lack of confidence. These challenges, coupled with the perception of follow-up as a low-success activity, can deter sales professionals from engaging in follow-up efforts. Acknowledging and confronting these obstacles is crucial. Adopting a proactive approach and choosing to dedicate time to follow-up activities can significantly improve sales outcomes. Viktor Frankl's insight, "the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances," highlights the power of attitude in overcoming challenges. One effective strategy to overcome resistance to follow-up is committing to a daily "Follow-Up Hour" dedicated to nurturing leads and continuing the emotional journey initiated during the sales presentation. This approach not only maintains the prospect's interest but also strengthens their dissatisfaction with their current situation and their anticipation for the solutions your product promises. In conclusion, follow-up should not be viewed as a burdensome task but as an essential component of a successful sales strategy. Embracing follow-up with enthusiasm and dedication can transform it into a powerful tool for building relationships, providing value, and ultimately, achieving sales success. Remember, as various sales experts have noted, the essence of great salesmanship lies in building relationships, providing value, and ensuring customer satisfaction. Every interaction, including follow-up, is an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to the customer's success and differentiate yourself in a competitive market.

