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Jay Levinson

Guerrilla marketing in 30 days

Guerrilla marketing is a strategy that uses unconventional, creative methods to boost sales and attract interest in a brand. It's about investing energy, not just money, and focusing on implementation over conceptualization. Guerrilla marketers target specific market segments, serving them as effectively as possible, rather than trying to appeal to everyone. They view marketing as an investment, not an expense, and aim to develop marketing strategies that work. The ultimate result of this approach is a marketing plan that includes a simple strategy, a marketing calendar, an evaluation system, and a selection of tactics. The key to success in guerrilla marketing is action, and the ability to stay motivated and focused. It's about doing what's necessary for effective marketing, and addressing today's marketing challenges with consistency and determination.

Guerrilla marketing in 30 days
Guerrilla marketing in 30 days

book.chapter Mind-set evaluation

Effective marketers prioritize daily actions that enhance client recognition. They embed a marketing mindset within their team, asking, "How do my actions attract clients today?" This approach turns marketing into a routine, like paying bills. By understanding and addressing customer needs, a company-wide marketing commitment forms. Team members should engage in daily marketing efforts, learn continuously, and track progress. The aim is to delight customers, putting them first and finding ways to surprise them daily. Successful marketing is an investment with significant returns, as emphasized by Jay Levinson and Al Lautenslager.

