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Jason Jennings

Think big act small

These companies grew revenues and profits 10% or more for 10 straight years. Just 27 firms met this high bar out of 72,000 analyzed. Researchers met with leaders across 9 of these exceptional companies to identify their keys to long-term prosperity. Ultimately they compiled 10 findings common to all. The thread: think big strategically but operate small tactically. Stay humble, empower all employees like owners, get managers engaged on the front lines. It boils down to simple common sense, yet that's uncommon in business. The growth flows naturally from nailing fundamentals beyond nearly all peers. If more companies followed these 10 precepts, their revenues and profits would steadily rise too.

Think big act small
Think big act small

book.chapter Stay humble

Leaders of successful, growing companies often embody humility, steering clear of the limelight to concentrate on their roles effectively. These individuals prioritize their responsibilities over personal acclaim, focusing on the collective success rather than individual recognition. They approach their leadership roles as stewards, committed to the company's progress and the betterment of the world, rather than being fixated on personal gains. Transparency is a hallmark of their management style, ensuring that information flows freely within the organization to avoid the pitfalls of internal politics. Accessibility is another trait; humble leaders are approachable, ready to engage with anyone bearing innovative ideas, maintaining a direct connection with the operational base of the company. Their dedication is evident in their work ethic; passionate about their work, they invest long hours into their roles, driven by a love for what they do rather than the prospect of leisure. Guided by a set of principles that transcend mere profitability, these leaders live by a code of conduct that is both articulated and demonstrated in daily actions, setting a standard for the entire organization. They reject the trappings of status, opting for a dress code and work environment that emphasizes equality and collaboration. By fostering a culture of humility, these organizations position themselves for sustained growth and success, avoiding the distractions that have led many to falter. In contrast to the stereotype of the arrogant, overconfident executive, it's the genuinely humble leaders who helm the most consistently high-performing companies, proving that humility is a key ingredient in the recipe for long-term success.

