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James Citrin & Richard Smith

The 5 patterns of extraordinary careers

The research into career success reveals that extraordinary trajectories are consistent across industries, debunking the myth that success is purely down to luck, political savvy, or aggressiveness. Instead, five distinct patterns emerge, highlighting that while there's no simple formula for navigating career complexities, recognizing these patterns can significantly influence success. This insight shifts the perception of career success from being seen as largely out of one's control to something that, when guided by these patterns, becomes understandable, predictable, and manageable, offering a roadmap to achieving extraordinary success and fulfillment.

The 5 patterns of extraordinary careers
The 5 patterns of extraordinary careers

book.chapter Grasping value creation at work - taking action

Individuals with remarkable careers possess a deep understanding of how value is generated in their respective marketplaces. They leverage this insight to enhance their organization's value at every career stage. Subtle yet significant factors govern careers, and grasping these dynamics enables better decision-making, propelling you towards your goals. Your career's trajectory is intrinsically linked to the value you create. To progress, focus on understanding value creation and actively engage in it. This alignment is crucial for career advancement. Your market worth is influenced by four main factors: demographics, which dictate the supply and demand for your skills; market liquidity, or the balance between job seekers and available positions; company volatility, reflecting your employer's market value fluctuations; and intellectual capital, which is how financial markets value intangible versus tangible assets. Monitoring these elements can provide insights into enhancing your personal market value. Most individuals begin their careers with potential value, which evolves into experiential value through accumulated experience and expertise. This experiential value, often more tangible and thus more highly compensated than potential value, propels your career momentum and opens up new opportunities. Your market worth reflects both your current experience and your potential for future value creation. The key to career progression is efficiently converting potential into experiences that, in turn, generate further potential value. Careers typically unfold in three phases. The promise phase, post-education and into your early thirties, is when potential value is most significant. Choices made regarding employers and experiences during this time can profoundly affect your career's future trajectory. The momentum phase is characterized by the value derived from your accumulated experiences and skills, allowing you to steer your career with greater precision towards areas of strength and passion. Finally, the harvest phase sees a return to potential value predominance, with numerous opportunities such as leadership roles, board positions, and other ventures that benefit from your expertise. The talent marketplace operates on supply and demand principles. To navigate it successfully, align yourself with a reputable firm, take charge of your career path, proactively direct your career, and comprehend value creation. Understanding these market dynamics is essential for professional success, as highlighted by the insights of Benjamin Franklin, Ludwig von Mises, and career experts James Citrin and Richard Smith. Ignorance of these factors can jeopardize your career, while mastery of them sets the stage for glory.

